Chapter Twenty Two

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Sophia laid in her berth resting peacefully, Ratchet found it rather odd how she had collapsed. Maybe she was going through a change. Ratchet sat in his berthroom thinking

Maybe it was change, then again she has human blood in her body...... then it all clicked into place. Sophia's human DNA strand was conflicting with Cybertronian DNA. Like a miniature war inside her own body. Her body was demanding a growth spurt but with Cybertronian CNA it's not how it works. With all the emotions that happened on the day she collapsed, it only added fuel to the fire.

He hummed with a grin and rushed to his lab to 'make peace' between two DNA and CNA in her body.

IronTitan roared out a battle cry storming the big and rusted warehouse. Havoc screeched in horror seeing his ex 'brother' rampaging after him and took off out the back. Havoc glanced over his shouldplating in fear and his spark was beating faster seeing IronTitan close on his tail

"Where do you think you're going?!" Something whacked the back of Havocs helm knocking him unconscious, Duke and Big Red were quick to stopping Titan from ripping Havoc to pieces.

Titan growled glaring at the two "move out of the way!" He hissed sending heated daggers at Havocs unconscious frame. Duke shook his head "you'll have your revenge, Titan, but we need him for intel" Duke slowly released his hold on Titan seeing him slowly calming down, Titan listened to reason first "and what could he possibly have?"

Duke sighed "you know about Firewhips story I'm sure you're aware?" Titan nodded after hearing the story from the Ex Cons, "something clearly wasn't right and someone must have framed Smokescreen to cause chaos among the ranks" Duke informed calmly. Titan sighed knowing he was right.

"Let's move his body back to the Autobot base before I change my mind"

Titan paced back and forth waiting for Optimus to return, it would be a few days before Optimus would return from his holiday with Estelle.

UltraMagnus and some of the bots and some of the wreckers had taken off in Magnus ship to investigate a decepticon signal emitting far into space. So only a few Autobots remained on base: Ratchet, Ironhide, Chromia, Arcee, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Optimus, IronTian, The Ex-Cons, Wheeljack (somewhere flying around in his ship) and Jazz

(AN: can you tell where I'm about to go with this? *Wink wink*)

Titan grumbled to himself wanting desperately to go into the prison cell and beat the living spark out of Havoc, "calm down, Titan, you'll have your punching bag ready but for now? You'll wait for Optimus like everybody else" Duke told him sternly, he knew Titan wanted to kill that bastard but Duke knew Havoc was and still is a rat and would rat out the entire Decepticon army in order to live.

Lennox came in looking very happy, turns out they had a new liaison for the Autobots and this agent was more then understanding when it came to being chill with the military lads. "Hey guys" he chirped walking on the platform, "I got some really good news for you all. Like a heap of good news!" He smiled resting his forearms on the railings.

Jazz approached with a grin, his visor brightening, "what's up Lenny?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest. Lennox explained to everyone that the new agent had managed to get his hands on a new base in Jasper Nevada, a missile silo base and has been constructed for their use alone. Agent Fowler and General Morshower thought it would be better for them to operate in their own base without little humans running around them

And with NEST, NEST would still continue to operate as a communications and backup should they ever need it. Lennox and Epps along with a small team would be going with them, just for the Presidents comfort.

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