Chapter Five

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The next morning Ironhide was the first to awaken from his recharge knowing Sophia would need to go the toilet and have her bath. He picked her up while she slept and went to the washrooms with a towel and clean clothing. He held her while starting up her bath and pulling out the femme products placing them next to the tub, she slowly woke up as he started undressing her

"wake up sweetspark" he placed soft kisses on her forehead holding her close with her form wrapped in a towel until the bath was done, she rubbed her eyes "tired" she whispered snuggling into his chest, he hummed softly rubbing her back "I know sweetspark but it's time to wake up". She mumbled something and the bath stopped, he placed her into the warm bath and began cleaning her

Even when the water was poured onto her, she was still falling asleep. He had to hold her at some point in order to keep her awake. In the cafeteria she had begun to wake up, Ironhide mentally noted that her body was changing now and that meant her sleeping pattern also changed.

Sophia ate her meal and finished, Ironhide noticed she taken a more liking to dairy products. He gathered information which told him that her bones needed calcium for the next stages of growth. He hummed and took her to the Autobot hanger to grow used to the new bots. Sideswipe nudged his twin earning a dark glare, he rolled his optics and tilted his helm toward the entrance of the hanger

Ironhide ignored the looks of the Terror Twins, "Sire, who dat?" she asked pointing at Sunstreaker "Sunstreaker and Sideswipe" he informed gruffly placing her down on his hood. "Why do Sunsteaker give nasty look at me?" she tilted her head cutely, Ironhide growled snapping his head to Sunsteaker and his eyes flashed red in warning surprising the twins

Sunstreaker looked away knowing it was Ironhide's creator programming dealing with a threat meaning him. He didn't want an angry creator on his aft, he couldn't be bothered nor would he survive the wrath of Ironhide. "Ironhide" Optimus scolded seeing what he was doing but he knew what Sunstreaker was like. Ironhide huffed calming himself down and his spark clenched painfully making him wince

Ratchet took notice and opened a new file in his databanks recording data from Ironhide, "i eard' Soph is in da house?" Jazz approached with a grin, Ironhide chuckled seeing her squeal in excitement "Jazzy!" he picked her off his hood and held her close to his chest "hey kid" he greeted with a fist bump. "mind ah borrow Soph, Hide?" Ironhide narrowed his eyes on him seeing the mischievous glint in his eyes "yes, don't get into trouble, i mean it Jazz"


Sunstreaker walked around on base in his holoform, he hated the humans and he hadn't exactly had the best greeting when he first arrived here. He was captured by a team called M.E.C.H and nearly lost his spark to them if it wasn't for the Autobots and team NEST for saving him. But still, whether Team NEST saved him or not, he hated the humans in general and Optimus made it clear to the humans to steer clear of him because he's a dangerous cybertronian

The human soldiers looked away and moved out of his way as he walked into the rec room, he could see little Sophia playing about with the Wreckers, his brother and Jazz which made him a bit jealous because he wanted attention, not Sophia. He wasn't going to hurt the young sparkling because she's innocent in all of this, he knew that she didn't ask for the attention

He sat down in the far dark corner of the rec room and grabbed some paper and colouring pencils, it was the only hobby of his that kept his spark calm. From first examinations he could tell both Autobots and humans are protective of Sophia, Ironhide went beyond protectiveness and would kill anyone who dared to bring harm to her. Sunstreaker made the wisest decision, never threaten or hurt Sophia unless he wanted to be offlined

"Wat doing?" he snapped out of his thoughts and looked down, Sophia looked up to him with twinkles in her eyes, he stared back blankly "drawing" he answered stiffly seeing the bots watching him intensely. "Can i see?" she asked nicely tilting her head, he huffed and for once his spark didn't rage, he gently picked her up and rested her on his lap showing his drawing

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