Chapter Nine

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Chromia's holoform


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While the other Autobots were busy, Chromia and Ironhide leaned against his altmode talking about little Sophia. Chromia felt her spark warming at the mention of Sophia, she could feel another bond to their spark-mate bond; a parental bond.

"Did you bond with Sophia?" she asked crossing her arms over her chest, he rubbed his neck sheepishly "wasn't really an option, my spark went against my logic and forced a bond". Her brows lifted in surprise "alright then. Where is Sophia anyway?" "she's in recharge in her bedroom" he grunted out glaring at the direction he last saw Director Galloway

"you make it sound like it was the worst decision you have ever made" she chuckled shaking her head. "Well when you have a human like Director Galloway, you would have the same reaction as me" he said with a growl, she cocked a brow coming closer to him, "Why, what happened?" She said cautiously resting her hand on his bicep

Ironhide told Chromia everything that had happened between him and Director Galloway, she certainly had a reaction and it was much worse then his.

Ironhide had to physically restrain her from finding Galloway, he knew she would do more then just speak her mind. It scared most of the Autobots that she was far more scarier then Ironhide, her optics and holoform eyes were a dark shade of red and they called for blood


After many hours of calming his sparkmate and finally getting recharge, the next morning Chromia followed Ironhide to Sophia's room. It was hard to awaken Chromia from her recharge but she finally came out of it. Opening the door Sophia laid in her bed fast asleep, Chromia's eyes instantly softened on the small girl sleeping "she's really cute" she whispered into Ironhide's ear.

He chuckled approaching Sophia and sitting on the side of her bed, "she certainly is" he whispered back brushing back Sophia's hair. "Sophia, time to wake up" he whispered slowly pulling back the blanket, she mumbled slowly waking herself up. "Sire" she mumbled again stretching out her tiny arms to her daddy, he gladly picked her up allowing her small arms to wrap around his neck

"you want to see carrier?" Sophia nodded and was handed over to Chromia, she snuggled into Chromia's chest finding comfort and serenity with her; it was a piece to a missing puzzle and now it was finally completed. "She likes you" he smiled lovingly watching his sparkmate and daughter cuddle together, the room felt more warmer and more homely; the sun shone through making it just that more

"hungry" Sophia mumbled rubbing her eye looking at Chromia expecting her mother, Chromia, to feed her. Chromia, obviously, was new to this and looked to her sparkmate for help, "What do I feed a sparkling?", Ironhide bit his inner cheek stopping himself from laughing; he couldn't laugh at her for not knowing.

"come on"


Ironhide drove to the nearest warehouse where Sophia could eat and play around, Sophia tapped the window knowing where they were going and squealed when she saw the 'Wacky Warehouse' sign. He found a spot, Chromia parking her alt next to him, and walked into the warehouse together hand in hand and Sophia on his hip. Chromia winced from the loud screams and cry's coming from the children

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