Chapter Nineteen

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The pregnant femme laid unconscious in the med bay, Ratchet watched over his patient; checking her vitals and her medical records in case he missed something.

It was confirmed, by Ratchet of course, that she was carrying a male. Sunstreaker was inwardly leaping for joy but at the same time he was down in the shitters

The reason why was because Ratchet had to put the femme into an induced coma due to the damage done by the fire and whatever the Decepticons had done.

Sunstreaker didn't know whether to run out of base and kill every Con he can find, or grieve at the fact the femme might not be able to live to see her child grow.

"You're thinking too much Sunstreaker" Ratchet mumbled checking over the cables attached to the femme, Sunstreaker sighed rubbing the back of his holoform neck, "I can't help it. I've never felt like this over a human femme before" he frowned, confusion evident in his tone.

It was true; never in his teens, not mentioning the years (long story), has he experienced something like this before for this femme

A human femme

Ratchet hummed putting the folder down to the side, he paused looking the femme over; when he got to her, he didn't know the extent of her injuries until she was brought back to base. It's saddening because the femme couldn't come out of her medical induced coma due to the fact she will only last for so long, and it wasn't long she would have.

Looking over to Sunstreaker, his spark broke further seeing the look in his eyes; he was protective of the femme, just like his twin. If the femme had woken up, the three had gotten to know each other in time, Ratchet knew the three would fall in love and Sunstreaker and Sideswipe would have their happily ever after. Unfortunately that wasn't going to happen. The femme, Leah, hadn't got long to live

Sighing he got a chair and moved over to him taking a seat in front of Sunstreaker, "Sunstreaker" he said softly knowing this was going to hurt the mech. Sunstreaker looked deep into his eyes and felt this painful ache in his chest, "She's not going to make it if she comes out of this coma I've put her in. The only thing keeping her alive is her baby" Ratchet sighed again and rested his hand on his shoulder for support seeing the broken look on Sunstreaker's face

"i'll give you some time alone with her" he muttered and got to his feet, he walked out and closed the door behind him with a broken breath.

Poor Sunstreaker found light in his life only to be taken away by the Cons again. Shaking his head he deactivated his holoform and stayed in his altmode thinking.

Sunstreaker sat watching Leah, broken and hurt. The ache in his chest grew stronger the longer he watched, it brought tears to his eyes knowing he couldn't do anything to save her; he felt utterly helpless and useless in this moment. He sniffled quickly wiping his tears away and got to his feet, he walked closer and stood next to her still body

Her body was still, the machines bleeped and helped her chest to rise and fall. He hated this, he glanced down and smiled lightly seeing the child moving around. He made a silent oath that when the boy was born, he was going to protect the child until his spark snuffed out.

Sunstreaker rolled his eyes hearing his brother coming in but remained silent as did he, Sideswipe knew this was no time to be jolly in this type of environment.


"Sophia, come say hello to Duke and Red!" he hollered out of the hanger in his bipedal, Sophia soon followed and smiled giddily seeing Big Red and Duke "Hey guys!" she greeted with a squeak. The two ex Con's chuckled stroking behind her wolf-like audios causing her to purr. "What we doing today sire?" she asked walking over and looking up to him

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