Chapter Eleven

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A Year Later

Ironhide and Chromia had finally settled into a routine of caring for Sophia, the two had settled down around the others allowing them to be close to Sophia again. Rage as well was allowed to be near Sophia. During her time of healing she had practised witchcraft and had gotten better since then. Rage, Ironhide and Sophia had gotten a lot closer; Rage would visit Sophia when both parents were busy working

Her language had gotten a lot better but she was still behind, she had grown a few inches, her hair had grown down to her hips and had gained some weight. It pleased Ratchet to know her health condition had gotten a lot better, she's now 4 years old and still cute as ever.


Sophia ran into the hanger climbing up the platform where she could talk to Lennox; something happened today out on the field and it wasn't good news. Military scrambled around the base setting up the satellite link to the generals while Sophia sat next to Donnie waiting for the Autobots

"Daddy!" she cheered seeing Ironhide driving in with his brother and his sparkmate, they chuckled through the comm links as she ran down and over to them. They parked and Ironhide onlined his holoform easily picking up Sophia with a soft laugh, "hey sweetspark" he cooed tickling under her chin.

"did you behave for Donnie?" he asked, she nodded "uh huh, we made cupcakes" she squeaked happily making him smile. His smile dropped when he saw Director Galloway watching Optimus transform in awe. He growled at the human mech and climbed into his altmode locking the doors. Ironhide and Rage knew the Decepticons were up to something and it wasn't good

Rage onlined his holoform next to Sophia, Sophia sat in the middle on the backseats. Sophia had her rocks and was busy telling the two what both rocks would do. Rage grumbled to himself which earned a smack to the back of the head and a giggle from Sophia, "uncie got hit" she giggled again. Rage smirked "oh yeah? Watch this" Rage smacked his brother twice as hard

Now the two brothers were restling in the back of Ironhide's altmode, Sophia got out and closed the door going over to carrier "carrier" she said climbing onto her bike, she smiled picking her up in her holoform "hey cutie" she cooed. Chromia frowned when she heard the shouts and grunts coming from Hide's altmode "fighting again?" she question Sophia with a cocked brow

Sophia giggled nodding her head, "stupid" Chromia scoffed at them watching the two glare at each other as they got out. "Must you two fight all the time?" Chromia asked standing up and putting Sophia on her hip, Ironhide grunted looking away "he started it" Rage accused and the two were at it again tumbling on the floor


Bumblebee and Optimus had left the base to talk to Sam as they needed his help, only things got worse before Optimus could return. The Autobots left the base and went to the coordinates of their leader to aid him, when they returned everything got worse from then on and the death of their leader. Hide growled when he saw Director Galloway coming over to him, he wasn't giving anyone a chance to grieve for their fallen leader

"take that scrap metal back to base" Galloway sneered getting back into the Jeep, "and the kid goes into our care" he added and drove off before Ironhide and Rage could have their violent input. Sophia sat in her bedroom playing with her toys, she could feel a very strong presence in the room and it wasn't human- it felt godly

"hello young one" the strong, wise and noble male voice said in a soft whisper, she giggled with a beaming smile looking to her alter "hi" she replied shyly causing the voice to chuckle, the voice went silent for a moment "things are going to change, young one. It won't be nice or pretty, Sophia. The humans are going to experiment on you and hurt you, i'll be with you to make it as painless as possible"

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