Chapter Sixteen

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Optimus stood at the edge of the old base overlooking the seas, this is where he would come to think as he would find watching the sea rising and falling very peaceful. Every time he would come here, his old memories would surface and he would be back in the world he used to love, before everything went wrong

He missed Megatronus, his missed him dearly. He missed the banter he had with him; messing up datapads in the library, trolling Alpha Trion, even having the guts to troll Ratchet. He missed all of it. Some times, well all of the time, he blames himself for standing in front of the council and giving his side of how Cybertron should be ruled

His Matrix pulsed a bit, almost telling him none of what happened was any of his fault.

Resting his servo over his chestplating, he thanked Primus for the comfort. He clasped his servos behind his backstruts and continued to watch life on Earth. For a moment he thought he was back on Cybertron, his own imagination playing with him

Closing his optics, his memories took over bringing him back

"Come on Orion, it isn't a bad club" Megatron whined slamming his helm down, dramatically, on the table causing Orion to jump and look up from his datapad. Orion cocked a brow "what club?" he asked innocently putting his datapad down, Megatronus vented flicking the datapad away from him "It's a really fun club, I wanna join Orion!"

Orion tapped his derma humming in thought "then go?" he said simply reaching for his datapad, Megatronus's mouth dropped open before he frowned and snatched the datapad away from him "I want you to come with me, y'know? My plus one" he suggested with an 'innocent smile'.

Orion narrowed his optics on him and crossed his arms over his chest, "why do you want me to come with you so bad? You said it yourself it's a good club so why not go on your own?" Megatronus shoulders slumped in disappointment. Instead of answering, he got to his peds and started walking off "I just wanted you to come with me as my brother, i'd thought you would understand"

Orion felt his spark ping in pain for hurting his brother, he quickly got to his peds and rushed after him, Megatronus smirked hearing the sounds of Orion's peds coming closer to him. Orion's servo stopped him from walking further "i'll go with you because you're my brother and I don't want to see you get hurt"


Orion shuffled uncomfortably on his peds while Megatronus gleamed in joy now that they were finally at the front doors of the clubhouse. Orion had a bad feeling about being there, he didn't know much about the clubhouse, in fact he knew nothing about it, "should we be here?" Orion whispered to him but his whisper went silent thanks to the loud music blaring in the background

Orion followed after Megatronus, he didn't even know why he came here now. Inside the metallic building, he wished he truly never came, hookers and naked femmes danced around poles or making out with each other while the mechs watched.

He didn't want to see any further but his optics deceived him; in corners mechs were having their spikes sucked on by hookers, mechs smoking or injecting drugs, ,mechs and femmes mating in any available corner.... He snapped his optics away and followed after Megatronus going further into the club, he was truly revolted from what he saw.

Megatronus led him into a small room, a meeting room from what he could tell. Inside the room were 8 mechs, a little young but held potential for leadership. "hello Megatronus and his friend" the leader of the group said gruffly, "Hello Duke, my friend is new to this" the mechs chuckled looking over Orion, this made Orion very uncomfortable

"i'll just wait outside" Orion muttered and stood outside the room, the doors closed. For a few minutes it was quiet chatter, then it was gradually getting louder by the minute and most of it was coming from Megatronus. He wasn't one to eavesdrop but he had to "why should I clean up after everyone?!" Megatronus bellowed out which came with a loud bang

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