Chapter Four

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Sophia sat on her daddy's lap looking a little confused and afraid of the two males sitting across from her with folders neatly placed on the desk in front of them, she had her daddy and her daddy was giving her confidence and reassurance that he would always be there for her.

"so" the first male Social Service officer started off closing one folder, "can you tell me what your other mummy and daddy did to you Sophia?" he asked with no emotion in his tone making Sophia flinch and whimper back into her daddy's chest. "it's ok Sophia, i'm right here" he whispered in reassurance to her giving her confidence back

"Ma ma never home, wit new man new day. Da Da sniffing and stabbin himself wit water" she whimpered trying not to remember those horrid times. Optimus and Ratchet stood at the corner of the room with Epps and Lennox just to be witnesses of what was said. The males hummed lowly writing it down in notebooks

"Is there anything else they did to you? Did they hurt you?" they inquired being too insensitive for Ironhide's liking but it had to be done, she nodded too afraid to look at them "ma ma wud throw me in basement. Da da wud hit me". They hummed writing that down "can you show us where your father hit you, Sophia?" she nodded getting to her feet and lifted her shirt

They nodded and took pictures for further evidence, Ironhide clenched and unclenched his fists trying to settle his anger, his sparkling needed him and being angry wouldn't get him anywhere. After the interview he took Sophia to Jazz to spend the day with him while he would be training the new recruits.

Jazz took her to the rec room and they watched movies together, it was a new thing for Sophia to do watching movies. She loved Monsters Inc and Finding Nemo. Jazz chuckled watching her, her eyes glued to the screen with a awed smile, she loved Scooby Doo the most and laughed seeing Scooby whacking Shaggy with a boom mic

Ironhide walked in and smiled seeing Sophia laughing away at a kids film, he walked over and picked her up "did you enjoy your time with Jazz?" he cooed tickling her belly, she squealed squirming in his hold to get away from his hand. "I shall name him squishy and he shall be mine, he shall be my squishy" Ironhide cocked a brow from her cute quoting from a film

"She watched Finding Nemo" Jazz informed answering his silent question with a shrug, "Okay" Ironhide muttered in confusion, he took Sophia to the cafeteria to have her food and drink. He sat down and he noticed the soldiers were more tense then usual, more on edge to be precise. He shook it off thinking it was nothing and handed Sophia her food


Ironhide growled under his breath in his holoform, now he knew why the soldiers were more tense then usual, the Director had arrived on base early this morning while he was in an interview. Clearly the Director didn't like the Cybertronians being on planet Earth unless they shared their advancements in weaponry.

Sophia was playing in his altmode playing with a colouring book gifted to him by Sarah which was delivered by Lennox, he leaned against his altmode listening and watching Director Galloway complain about the Autobots.

Lennox looked like he was about to blow a fuse, Epps looked like he was ready to shoot, Ratchet looked like he was about to throw his wrench and Optimus looked calmer then anyone else in the room. However Ironhide looked like he was about to bring out his cannons, he was getting more pissed off by the minute.

Hide took deep breaths trying to calm himself, he couldn't get angry and transform, not while Sophia was in his altmode unaware of what was going on outside his alt. Ratchet noticed his posture slowly relaxing, he smirked inwardly knowing it had something to do with Sophia, he knew Chromia would be proud of his behaviour changing rapidly

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