Chapter Two

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Ironhide's holoform ————————————

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Ironhide's holoform

Ironhide placed her down onto the floor and brought out the femme products in the femmes washroom, he wasn't happy being in this room either.

He pulled out the shampoo and conditioner along with soap and handed them to her. "Go and take a shower, alright?" she nodded "coothes?" he hummed somewhat understanding her

"i'll get you some clothes and a towel, go on" he nudged her back gently and watched her for a moment, once she was in the shower, he left and went to his room on base. The human room he had done for him like Ratchet, Optimus, Bee and Jazz. He pulled out a spare top of his and a underwear that belonged to Anna and stacked them on top of a towel

He walked back to the washroom and placed the towel and clothing on the side for her to reach, he waited outside of the washroom with his arms crossed. "done" he lightly smiled and kneeled down, his shirt was practically drowning her small body, her bare feet tapped on the floor when she came out.

He got her old clothes and put them into an evidence bag, Lennox would need it later. He picked her up and took away her dummy "Ah ah!" she went to grab her dummy, anxiety and fear in her eyes that Hide could see.

He put it into the evidence bag and cradled her close "my friend needs that to punish those who hurt you, alright little one?" she whimpered but nodded anyway

"good" he stated firmly with a nod, she nuzzled into his chest as he made his way back to the Autobot hanger. "Here" he says handing the bag over to Ratchet as he passed him "she looks better, get her ready for recharge" he ordered watching him go to his altmode

"Ironhide" he called out throwing him a plain hospital blanket over to him which he easily caught "anything else, doc?" Hide asked sarcastically already growing tired, Ratchet grumbled "no, recharge. now"

Hide climbed into his altmode at the back and rested the child on his backseat, he was about to leave just as she opened her eyes "no leaf" she whimpered reaching out to him, he sighed and picked her up again getting himself comfortable on the backseats with the girl on his chest. The two got comfortable and finally they were both in recharge


The bots were already up and awake in bipedal except for Ironhide, Bee whirled in confusion over to Jazz "Did somethin happen while weh were out?" Jazz asked to anyone while watching Ironhide in worry.

Ratchet chuckled walking over to them with Optimus following tow "late last night we found a young human child wondering the base. The child has been abused by her parental units-" the two bots growled in anger "please tell me we're keeping the child here?" he gritted out with his visor glowing dangerously low

Ratchet nodded not really phased by their aggressive behaviour "she is going to remain here so i can monitor her health. Me and Optimus will be talking with Lennox to find her parents and prosecute them for their offences they have committed".

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