Chapter 77

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"Okay, I'll go. Love you! See you tomorrow!" Oliver said, standing up.

"Love you too! Good night!" I said, gave him a hug and he ran up the stairs.

What a cute little kid...

Now...time skip to winter...

It was the weekend, so naturally, Hermione, Ron, Harry and I went to Hogsmeade. On our way there Harry still talked about how he thinks that Draco's a Death Eater...

Which sadly is starting to make sense. 

Then, Hermione started to complain about not finding anything about the Half-Blood Prince.

"So I went to the-" Hermione started but the three of us cut her off.

"To the library." We said in unison and Hermione stopped for a second, looked at us and sighed.

"And?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"And nothing! There's nothing about the Half-Blood Prince." Hermione said with a huff.

"Not even in the restricted section?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"No...not even there! Isn't this suspicious that there's nothing written about the Half-Blood Prince?" Hermione asked and I shrugged while the boys turned to us, confusedly.

"Don't tell me you think are thinking about going back to the castle to take another look in the library," Ron said and I shook my head.

"No. We're just curious. Don't deny think it's weird too." I said and Ron nodded.

"Well, if you two saying something weird is going on...then it usually is. So I agree." Ron said and the four of us chuckled a little together.

"Let's go to the Three Broomsticks! Let's get a butterbeer and talk there." Harry suggested.

"Yeah, sure! It's cold outside anyway." I said and the others nodded and we all went to the Three Broomsticks where we all ordered a butterbeer and sat down around one of the tables.

"Ron! Sit beside me!" Harry said and I looked at him weirdly and sat down next to Hermione and then Slughorn came to us, talked about a little party that he's having and that Harry, Hermione and I are invited.

"Good to see you, Wellenby!" Slughorn said, looking at Ron and then walked away.

"How's it going then, Wellenby?" I asked Ron jokingly.

"Shut it, Y/N!"  Ron said and we all chuckled until Harry stared at someone behind me, which made me turn around.

"Draco?" I asked and he gulped, backed away and went to the bathroom.

"He's up to something!" Harry whispered and I turned to face him.

"Will you stop it? You nearly talk about anything else. I'm Draco's girlfriend, not you!" I said getting annoyed with Harry.

"I-Is that my sister?!" Ron asked as he saw Ginny kissing Dean.

"I'd like to leave!" Ron said again, getting uncomfortable. 

"Jeez, Ron-" I started but I got cut off by someone tapping me on the shoulder.

"Y/N, love? Can I talk to you?" Draco asked and I nodded quickly, turning to my friends.

"I'll see you in a bit!" I said, they nodded and I followed Draco outside.

"What's wrong, Draco?" I asked when we walked outside and to the bridge, so no one would hear our conversation.

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