Chapter 3

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"These two over here can't stop talking to each other!I can't study like this!" I said to him,he nodded and then thought about something...


"You're right!It's getting annoying so Y/N could you do me a favor and change your seats with Parkinson?" Snape asked as he looked at me and Pansy.

"But professor!I can-" Pansy started to say,but Snape cut her off.

"Nobody asked you what you think,Parkinson!" Snape said to her angrily.

"Are you sure professor?" I asked him quietly,but enough for him to hear,he nodded,I sighed,Pansy scoffed and standed up,we changed our seats.

Ron looked horrified,because I have very good grades in potions,but he doesn't so I always help him,but now...he's a dead boy...he looked like he's panicking,because he thought that I'm gonna punch Malfoy right in the face since I looked mad and Malfoy was smirking...this lesson isn't gonna end well...

Right when I sat down next to him,he started talking to me...he is so annoying.

"Oh you just should have told me that you want to sit next to me,I would have said yes of course,my dear queen of sarcasm" Draco said smirking and then winked in the end.

"Yeah and you should shut up,Draco!Or should I say prince of Slytherin?" I asked him with a fake smiling face.

"I hate you!" We both said in the same time.

The whole class looked at us confusedly,we looked at them and even Snape looked at us for a second,but turned around quickly.

"What?!" We snapped at all of them in unison,then of course all of them turned their heads back to in front of the class,I just listened what Snape said,because me or Malfoy didn't say any words after that...

When lesson was over the whole class run out so they could go to their common room or anything,but me,Hermione,Ron and Harry left the class as the last ones.Ron and Hermione wanted to walk us to Umbridge's office so we wouldn't be alone...

We were in some empty corridor,talking and laughing together,but then Pansy came out of nowhere and she punched me in the nose started bleeding pretty quickly,when I looked up at her,she smirked,I glared at her while I tried to wipe that blood from my nose.

Ron,Hermione and Harry wanted to help,but Pansy was quicker and used different spells for them so all of them were pretty hurt...they tried to get up,but this was no use...then Pansy turned to me and grabbed my throat,pushed me against the wall,I swear I almost died...she holded my throat too hard,I tried to pull her hand away,but it was hard...and then she started talking.

"Why are you such a bitch?Are you jealous that I am prettier than you?Why are you so mean to my Dracy-poo?!Don't ever talk to prince of Slytherin like that,ever again!Do you hear me?*I tried to grab her arm again,but again it was no use*You can't get away with this so easil-" Pansy was cut off by Draco who now saw what happened and started yelling at her,Pansy let go of me,but still kicked me in my ribs,I fell on the floor coughing and trying to get some air.

"Oh Dracy-poo!Thank god you're here,she tried to hurt me so I had to do something!" Pansy said,but Draco only glared at her angrily and started to yell at her while trio tried to help me up...

"Shut up already!Why did you do this to her?!She wouldn't have hurt you,for real!The only one she ever wanted to punch is me!Now get the hell out of here before I will hex you,you bloody idiot!" Draco yelled glaring at her the whole time.

"But Draco I-" Pansy wanted to continue,but Draco cut her off...

"No!Get.the.hell.out!Now!" Draco yelled again and Pansy ran away...he then looked at all 4 of us and walked to me...

"I...Y/N!I have to take you to hospital wing,come on,can you walk?Potter tell Umbridge that I took her to hospital wing,ok?" Draco asked Harry,he nodded and then all of them looked at me...

"I think I can walk!" I said trying to get up,I got up,but then almost fell on the floor,but when I was about to fall 2 strong arms were holding I wouldn't fall.

"Oh no you don't love,let me help you!" Draco said chuckling a little and then picked me up in bridal style and started to walk,trio over there looked shocked because of Malfoy's action...but then they ran to Umbridge office and told what they had to and after that ran to the common room to put their books down and tell the twins about it and ran to the hospital wing together.

*Draco's POV*
As I carried Y/N to the hospital wing I saw that blood running down from her nose...this made me feel horrible...why would Pansy do this to her?!I am literally gonna punch Pansy by myself for this!!I looked a little at her face and her eyes were closed I started to panic...oh boy!!

"Y/N!" I said her name pretty loudly,but she didn't answer,my eyes become watery and I started to walk faster.

*At the hospital wing*

"Madam Pomfrey!!!I need your help,right now!" I shouted,I heard her run to and when she saw that I carried Y/N like this she gasped and told me to take her to one of the beds,I put her down and right after I did it she started to look at all of her bruises,she still isn't up so I had to ask...

"Is she alive?" I asked,but my voice cracked in the end,she turned to look at me and smiled...

"Yes of course.She just passed out,but it's alright!Now you can go,go to your common room or something,you have dinner soon,dear!" Madam Pomfrey said,I nodded with my watery eyes,sniffled and then got up and walked out.

*No one's POV*
5 minutes after Draco went out came Hermione,Ron,Harry and the twins,they all rushed over to Y/N when they saw that she was unconscious.

*Hermione's POV*

We all ran to hospital wing to see her,Madam Pomfrey was next to her,cleaning some of her cuts,we all gasped and rushed to her unconscious body,I started to tear up,Ron pulled me into a hug and I cried into his chest.

After some minutes I calmed down a bit and then looked at her...

"Is she gonna be okay,soon?" George asked worriedly.

"Yes,of course,but I don't know when,don't worry I'll let all of you know and Mr.Malfoy!" Madam P. said.

"Why would you tell to Mr.Malfoy?!" Fred asked confusedly,right...we didn't tell them that Malfoy carried her to here...which was kinda weird...I didn't knew that he has a kind heart a little,this is something new.

"He carried her here,I'll tell you something more if you promise not to tell this to anyone!" Madam P. said smiling.

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