Chapter 84

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"Come can sleep. I'm here. I won't go away." Draco said, and I smiled and fell asleep while holding his hand.

After some time, I woke up...but saw that Draco's bed was empty...Wait what...what happened...?

That's when I heard glass shattering somewhere...


"Y/N! Hide!" Madame Pomfrey whispered to me, running into the hospital wing.

"W-What's going on?!" I whispered, standing up and walking to her.

"Death Eaters!" She whispered and started to sob.

"What?" I asked nervously, and she sighed.

"It's too late!" She whispered, but I shook my head and ran out of the hospital wing.

"Y/N?! Where are you going?!" Hermione asked when she saw me running out of the school.

"Y/N, don't go! Please!" Oliver said nervously, standing next to her.

"I need to see what's going on! Draco's there...and so is Harry! I can tell!" I said, and quickly gave them a hug and started to run into the woods where I saw a glimpse of Harry.

"PLEASE, BE CAREFUL!" I heard both of them shouting after me.

Wait...Draco's there...I hope he's okay...

After running down to Hagrid's hut where I saw Bellatrix, Snape, Draco, Harry, Greyback and some other Death Eaters I ran next to Harry and looked at all of them with wide eyes.

"What happened?!" I asked, looking between Harry and the Death Eaters in front of us.

"I am so sorry!" Draco whispered to me, and then I saw Bellatrix lit Hagrid's hut in the fire.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I shouted, looking at Bellatrix, who turned around and pointed her wand at both me and Harry and shouted a spell but Snape stopped her.

"No! They belong to the Dark Lord!" Snape shouted, and Bellatrix rolled her eyes and followed Draco into the Forbidden Forest but then Snape turned to us once again.

Harry and Snape started to duel and Harry shouted at him and then...

"Sectumsempra!" Harry shouted and Snape stopped him once again.

"You dare...use my own...spell" Snape asked, and I turned to him with wide eyes.

"Y-You're the-" I started but Snape turned to me and cut me off.

"Yes...I'm the...Half-Blood Prince!" Snape said, and I gulped.

"No!" I whispered, and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Dumbledore...left you something, might I add!" Snape said and gave me a letter, and I tried to open it but Snape stopped me.

"It will open at the right time. You can open it're starting to have those...dreams. You'll see what I mean. It won't open until then." Snape said and I nodded and put the envelope in my hoodie's...well, pocket.

Why's everyone leaving letters to me...?

"Now...go! Before I hex you both!" Snape hissed at both me and Harry, and then followed the Death Eaters.

"What is going on?!" Harry asked, looking between me and my hoodie.

"Do I look like I know? Wait! What happened with Dumbledore? He didn't d- no!" I said, but Harry cut me off.

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