Chapter 53

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"I think...the black one today, tomorrow wear the white one." Draco said, I smiled and then he smirked.

"Ok, thanks. But why are you smirking?" I asked him confusedly again.

He stood now right in front of me...

Oh god...


"Because you look kinda hot?" He whispered and kissed my cheek, yet again he smirked, and then again he looked me up and down.

I quickly changed and then we walked out...

"You're weird." I told him and he chuckled.

"As if! If I'm weird then you're weird too." Draco said and I chuckled and then we saw Hermione and Pansy.

"These two are never together...what the hell did you do?" I asked Draco, whispering, and he gasped dramatically.

"Says who? Why do you think everything is my fault?" Draco asked me and I laughed and then we made it to Hermione and Pansy.

"Where were you guys?!" Hermione and Pansy asked us worriedly, we looked at each other for a second and then back to them.

"I told you to get Y/N up 30 minutes ago. What took you two so long?!" Hermione asked worriedly.

"Sshhh!It's ok 'Mione. Don't scream. I-" I was really about to continue, but Draco cut me off.

"I did wake her up. She went to change and then...oh well I fell from our bed and then she came to me and yeah..." Draco said scratching the back of his neck, while blushing a little. That made me giggle, he turned to me and I decided that I should whisper to him...

"You're blushing again, ferret!" I whispered and giggled again, he shot me a death glare and I just smiled innocently at him.

"And you say I'm the mean one in here?!" Draco asked me. I chuckled again and shrugged, which made him look at me angrily again.

"And you guys say you're not more than 'Frenemies'?" Pansy said, both me and Draco had wide-eyes and then...

"No, never!" We said in unison and after that we laughed, because we never have said anything in unison.

"Never mind, let's go now." Hermione said, we nodded and went to the others.

"Y/N I need your help! I don't know what to buy to Draco for Christmas!" Pansy whispered to me, I nodded.

"Same, now wait a second." I said, she looked at me confusedly.

"Draco!" I said loudly, because he wasn't very close to us. He turned to me confusedly.

"Yeah?" He asked confusedly, I smirked and stood close to him and looked at him in the eye.

"What are you doing?" He asked me with red cheek. He can be so awkward sometimes...

"Just look me in the eyes for a minute." I told him while trying to look at him in the eye, he nodded and looked at me.

"Hmm...thank you, I need to find you anyway later, and you know why." I told him, he nodded and walked away smiling, just a little bit.

I walked back to Pansy and Hermione who were waiting for me.

"What the hell were you doing?" Pansy asked me and Hermione nodded confusedly.

"I don't even know. I guess I was trying to find some answers." I said shrugging. They looked at each other confusedly and then shrugged.

"Now...Y/N where shall we go first?" Hermione asked me.

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