Chapter 7

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"I'll see ya later, love!" He said smirking and then quickly kissing my cheek again and then running out from there smiling.


I started to read some book because I felt bored until I saw professor Snape walking towards my bed, I looked up at him, smiling a little.

"Hello!" I said quietly, he nodded and sat on a chair.

"Hello! Did Parkinson really did it?" Snape asked pretty angrily, I looked down,and nodded slowly, he sighed.

"I talked with her about this and we went to Dumbledore's office" Snape said calmly.

"And?What happened to her?" I asked now looking up.

"Dumbledore told her that she has to go back to her home for the rest of the school year!And next year when she comes back...she better regret what she did!Well I mean I would have expelled her,but-!" Snape was about to finish his sentence,but I smiled and cut him off...

"It's ok,she can even stay here this year...I mean I don't care what she does,and I can take care of her,tell her that she can stay,and can you please tell this to Dumbledore too?" i asked him,he looked at me with wide eyes, and his mouth was open.

"Did you hit your head or something?Why do you want her to stay here after all she's done to you?!" Snape asked confusedly.

"No,no!I mean it...I guess.Yes,yes I want her to stay here.I don't care that she's here!I can take care of her!" I said smiling,he sighed,we said our goodbyes, and then he went back to his class.

*25 minutes later*

I heard someone running towards my bed...

"Y/N are you out of your mind?!Why do you want her to stay in here after all she's done?!" Hermione yelled angrily.Oh god I'm getting myself killed...

"Are you crazy?How hard did you hit your head?" Ron asked angrily too...Yep I'm gonna die today.

"Why?!Y/N do you understand that this isn't good idea?" Harry asked a little bit calmer than Hermione or Ron...which was good though.

"Don't be so mean, and don't yell you want me to be deaf?!If yes then it's not funny guys,'s just I can take care of myself, and her. I don't care that she exists alright?I don't want to talk about it anymore, has your day been so while?" I asked changing the subject.

"Horrible!" Ron said.

"Well in DADA...Umbridge asked where are you and..." Hermione was about to continue,but Harry cut her off.

"Forget about that already...but yes it's not the best day so far...Snape almost wanted to hex Pansy-" Harry started to explain.

"I would have hugged him if he did that!" Ron said quietly,I giggled with Hermione.

"Anyway...yeah...this isn't the best day since no one said anything sarcastic to any teachers...I mean Malfoy is still being a dick,but he has been quiet today...he's being extra close to Parkinson today...I mean they even kissed and then I don't was weird to watch this,but nevermind.Ron is dying in Potions so Y/N you gotta help him tonight,he told Snape that he's coming to see you tonight and you help him so..." Harry explained to me...wait Parkinson and Malfoy kissed?What the-...

"Oh...yes of course,Ron can come here if he needs my help in potions,I always help you when you need,remember?" I asked him smiling,he nodded also smiling.

We all talked a little more, and then they left to their classes and I was alone again...but still they kissed?what did I miss?Ahhh never mind it's already 7pm.I'm gonna read something to clear my mind since Ron told me that he's coming tomorrow because he had some other things to do tonight so...after reading for basically 3 and half hours I went to sleep because I felt really tired.

*time skip to the next day's evening*

"Hey,Y/N/N!!!" Ron entered hospital wing and walked to my bed,sat on a chair and we started to talk about that Potion stuff he didn't understand...

*after 40 minutes of explaining Ron all that stuff he didn't understand*

" that's it!" I said explaining.

"Wait!I think I get it!I mean I hope...because we have exam tomorrow, and I have to pass this or I'll be the way basically the whole school asks us 'is Y/N alright?' or 'when is she getting out from hospital?' basically all the same questions,but we already say that 'we don't know when is she getting out' because that's the truth..." Ron said sighing,I nodded and then looked at him smiling.

"I'll ask madam Pomfrey tomorrow's morning!I'll see you tomorrow I guess!But hey!Trust me,you're gonna pass this exam!I helped you and you know that always if I help get a good grade so see ya tomorrow,by the way...please any of you...don't come here,I want to surprise all of you tomorrow!" I said smiling,he looked at me and smiled brightly.

"I suppose...but yeah,okay!I'll tell the others not to come here tomorrow!I guess I'll see ya tomorrow!" Ron said smiling and left.

*next morning*

I woke up and looked around...I felt so much better,oh my bloody hell...I can get out today!!!Yayyy.I can surprise my friends.

"Madam Pomfrey!Can you come here for a second?" I shouted,because I didn't see her anywhere near me...then she ran towards me.

"Yes,dear?Are you alright?Did something happened?" She asked quickly,I started to giggle and she looked at me confusedly.

"Yes it's ok.I just wanted to ask...when can I get out?" I asked her smiling,she smiled back quickly.

"Oh!Right!You can get out right before dinner!I'm sorry,but I heard that yesterday you and Ronald Weasley's conversation and I thought that maybe you can surprise them!" Madam Pomfrey said smiling.

"It's ok!And yes I thought about surprising them,but when?Or how?" I asked her...

"Oh...what about...when it's the dinner should remember that Dumbledore is saying some speech before you all can eat *I nodded*.So I thought that when he's doing it,you know all the students are looking at him,but then when he says something you enter the great hall!What about this?" She asked me.

"That's brilliant!Yes!It's amazing!" I said smiling and then started to read again.

*Hermione's POV*

Ron told us yesterday that we can't meet Y/N today...that's sad,but I hope we can see her when we're back from dinner at least...because madam Pomfrey said that she has to stay in there for 2 days..and she should get out today...I can't wait to see her!!By the way we have exam Potions...I hope Ron is gonna pass this,I mean Y/N helped him which means that he should pass this easily...

'Before dinner*

We still haven't seen Y/N yet and she should have gotten out today...

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