Chapter 5

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"Ewww!!!Who did this to me???" Pansy yelled in the middle of the corridor, we looked at her and her hair was a mess and it was turned into a neon pink. This is hilarious! I think I might know who did this, but she deserved this! I'm not joking! Ron and I walked past her, but Malfoy came toward her, walked past her like she wasn't even there and then she started to talk with her annoying voice again...


Well me and Ron stood behind a wall so we could see what's gonna happen in there...

"Dracy-poo help me!" She said with her annoying voice,I rolled my eyes and then saw that Malfoy turned around,glared at her and started to talk...

"No!I'm not helping you!Do you even remember what you did to our school queen of sarcasm?Huh?You deserved it!" Malfoy said angrily and walked away from Pansy who now started to and Ron left to our common room,when we entered it we saw Harry and the twins laughing together.

"May I ask...why are you guys laughing?" I asked them confusedly.

"We pranked-" Fred started.

"Pansy Parkinson!" George finished.

"That was amazing!" Harry said laughing,me and Ron started to laugh too.

"Yes it was,we saw her!And Malfoy...well he made her cry haha and said that she deserved it!" Ron said laughing,I giggled and nodded.

"Good job guys!" I said and high-fived them.

*Next morning at breakfast*

"Ok guys!We have potions,oh and Fred,George you guys go to look at Y/N before going to your class,right?" I asked them as me,Ron and Harry stood up and started to walk to the door,they nodded and left.

*At potions class*

As we entered class we saw Pansy glaring at us,she sat next to Draco since Y/N wasn't here,but then Pansy started to talk.

"Oh my god this bitch Y/N deserved this!I bet she's crying right now still,haha she's so-" Pansy said to all of us,now I felt like I was Y/N,because I thought I'm gonna punch her in the face,but Harry was faster talking to her...

"Shut the bloody hell up,Parkinson!" Harry said glaring at her.

"Oh why should I?" Pansy stood up and glared at Harry,but right when Harry was about to talk back to her Snape stood right between them,glaring at both of them.

"Sit down,all 4 of you!" Snape said coldly to me,Ron,Harry and Parkinson,we nodded and sat in our seats,then Snape turned around and saw that Y/N isn't here.

"Where's Y/N?" Snape asked,basically the whole class.

"Haha probably crying her eyes out!" Pansy answered,Snape glared at her.

"Shut up Pansy!It's your fault that she's in the hospital wing!Because of you she has many bruises,she has broken rib,broken arm and she has many cuts!Why would you do this to her?!" I yelled at her angrily with tears in my eyes,because talking about this made me cry...

The whole class had wide eyes and many of them glared at her while she just smirked.

"Is this true,Miss.Parkinson?" Snape asked her.

"N-" Pansy started to say,but Malfoy cut her off.

"Yes it is!She did this to her!I even carried Y/N to the hospital wing after this happened!" Malfoy said angrily,Snape nodded at Malfoy.

"Miss.Parkinson!We're gonna discuss this after class!And we are going to professor Dumbledore for this!I think you should get expelled for this!" Snape said coldly again,Pansy looked worried and then Snape turned around and continued our lesson...

* 3 person POV*

Same time when Hermione,Ron and Harry were in potions Fred and George were in hospital wing,looking peacefully sleeping Y/N...

They stayed there for about 15 minutes,sighed and then turned around to walk away,but then they heard that Y/N was coughing and she woke up,she looked around and saw Fred and George,they looked at her with wide eyes and then they ran to her and both of them hugged her tightly.

"You finally woke up!" They said in unison...

"Guys you're gonna kill me if you hug me that tightly!" Y/N said laughing,they pulled away and they had some tears rolling down their cheeks from happiness.

"No,my besties can't cry!Stop!" Y/N said to them smiling,they smiled too and then...

"You're up,my dear!" Madam P. said smiling and running towards the three of them.

"Yes I am!" Y/N said happily.

"Y/N we're gonna get Hermione,Ron and Harry!" Twins said and ran out of the hospital wing.

They ran to the potions class,opened it and...

"Neville!You have to-!" Snape was about to say something more,but then he saw the twins at the door smiling from ear to ear...

"Is there something wrong?Why are you interrupting my class?" Snape asked them with confused face.

"Hermione,Ron and Harry have to come with us!" The twins said in unison while still smiling from ear to ear.

"Why?!" Snape asked again.

"She woke up!" They again said in unison,the whole class's eyes went wide and even Snape looked speechless.

"Omg!" Ron,Hermione and Harry said in unison,but Draco looked still frozen,but he smiled.

"Very well,they can go!But!Make sure she's alright,come tell me and we're gonna talk to Dumbledore about this!" Snape said calmly,but glared at Parkinson.

All of them...the twins,Harry,Hermione and Ron started to walk out from Snape's class,but Draco stopped Ron by grabbing his arm and giving him a little note,while the others waited for Ron.

"Open it when you're out of the class!" Draco said and let go of Ron's arm,Ron nodded and they walked out from the class.

Ron was about to open the note,but...

"Open this already!" The twins said.

"Same!" Harry and Hermione said to him,he rolled his eyes and opened the note,the others went to look too,but when Ron opened it he was looking at wide eyes,but he smiled.

"Oh my god...this really was true!" Ron said and showed the others that note.

"What does it say?" Hermione asked smiling.

"It says 'I know she doesn't want me to,but hug her from me,please,oh and tell her that I'm sorry about Pansy,I hope Pansy will get punished or expelled from our school'" Ron said smiling,all of them had wide grins on their faces...

"Let's go now!" Hermione said again and all of them ran to hospital wing to see her,she was talking to Madam P. tho,but then she saw them...

*Y/N's POV*

I was up about ten minutes talking to Madam P. and then I saw them...The twins aka my besties!!!and Harry and Ron and of course Hermione!!!

"Oh my god guys!!!" I said and they all hugged me...first the twins,then Ron,then Harry and then Hermione,but then Ron hugged me again.

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