Chapter 28

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I quickly changed my clothes and went to our bathroom to comb my hair and brush my teeth.

I walked back in and saw that he was still sleeping, but his blanket only covered his legs which of course meant that I saw his torso...I didn't want to wake him, because he looked so peaceful, but I had to... I bit my lip and then quietly sat down on the bed, next to his sleeping figure.

"*shook him a little* Draco!" I quietly said, he didn't answer, and this made me roll my eyes.


"Draco!" I said a little louder and shook him again.

"Mh?" He sleepily asked.

"You have to wake up!" I said quietly.

"But I don't wanna!" Draco said and opened his eyes a little, well at least his morning voice is cute...wait what?!

"But you have to, we don't have many lessons today so...come on! Get your ass up now!" I said laughing a little and this made him smile a bit.

"Can't we just skip these lessons today?" He asked.

"No! Draco come on, get your ass up, now!" I said laughing again, because his bed hair looked funny.

He didn't say anything, but then he smirked, which made me look at him confusedly... and then he grabbed my waist with his one hand and pulled me close to him.

"What are you doing, Draco?" I asked him laughing.

"Hey! I wanna cuddle, right now!" He said and then we both laughed, but we didn't realize that someone was looking at us in the door frame...

"I wanted to wake you guys up, but as I can see you already are...umm b-breakfast is in 25 minutes so Malfoy you should umm... put some clothes on..." I heard Hermione say, me and Draco looked at each other with wide eyes and then quickly sat up and looked at Hermione, who was smirking at us now. By the way Draco still hold his hand around my waist.

"Thanks Hermione!" I said, she nodded and closed the door quickly. I quickly got out from the bed.

"Now change your clothes if you don't want to be late to the breakfast!" I said, he nodded and quickly changed, while I put my pillow and my blanket on the bed and made the bed.

*After 15 minutes*

After I made the bed and Draco changed his clothes and did all his morning routine we were finally able to go back to Hogwarts,but all of us had to go together, but luckily Malfoy went to his gang and they walked together and I walked with my friends.

*Great Hall*

As we all entered everyone sat on their tables, their seats... you know all that stuff.

I put some Y/F/F on my plate and then I took one glass of pumpkin juice.

"So Y/N, how did you sleep? I mean you didn't kill Malfoy so..." Hermione said with a smirk.

"That's new!" The twins said in unison.

"What happened? I mean what happened in there? You guys didn't yell at each other today!" Ron said confusedly.

"Umm... I slept pretty well actually. I know that's new. Nothing happened." I said awkwardly while drinking my pumpkin juice.

"Well when I saw you guys when I wanted to wake you up then-" Hermione wanted to continue, but I choked (almost) in my pumpkin juice, which made her stop and the half of the Great Hall looking at me.

"Stop! Don't you dare to talk about what happened!" I said and she smirked. After that all the others went back to eat their food and talk to their friends, but Malfoy looked at our table for some seconds longer and then finally went back to eat...


"Wait something happened between them?" The twins asked surprised, but still smirked, probably because of the bet...  

oh hell to the no...

"They just umm... Wait I try to think about something that wouldn't sound awkward...Well They uh...*I looked at her worriedly, but then Ron drank his pumpkin juice, bitch this is the wrong time when you want to drink...* They cuddled..." Hermione said pretty quietly. And of course Ron choked on his juice... almost. I freaking knew this is going to happen...

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