Chapter 10

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"Y/N you're amazing, I love you!" The twins said in unison as they laughed.

"I love you too, you idiots!" I said laughing as I sat on a couch in common room.

We all talked like maybe 3 and half hours and then I looked at the clock...

Oh no...


"Guys it's basically 11 pm,I am tired so...I'll see ya in the morning." I said and walked up to the girls dorm when we all said our goodbyes.

*Next morning*

"Get up,love!" I heard the twins quietly whispering to me.

"Hmh?Wait how did you guys get in girls dorm?!" I asked them confusedly,they looked at each other and then giggled and looked back at me.

"Hermione let us in since she tried to get you up,but it didn't work so...we're here...and you woke up the way you missed the breakfast so we brought you some stuff...We brought you Y/F/F!!" Fred said smiling and George nodded.

"Thank you guys!Wait my lesson is gonna start in 10 minutes!!!Oh my god my first class is DADA!Umbridge is gonna kill me if I'm gonna be late!" I said and ran to change my clothes and ran down the stairs to the common room where Fred and George waited for me.

"Girl you gotta run!You have 3 minutes to get in there!" The twins said,I looked at them with wide eyes and then ran...I think I haven't ran so fast in my entire life...

When I made it...shoot the lesson almost started I guess,because the class was silent and I heard that Satan talking to them...I walked in and of course all the eyes were on me...

"Why were you late miss Y/L/N??" Umbridge asked me as I sat down next to Hermione...and in front of Malfoy and his gang.

"Just didn't want to come here obviously!" I said in a duh tone,I heard Hermione,Harry,Ron and the Malfoy's gang laughing silently when they saw Umbridge's face,because her face looked angry...pretty angry I guess since her face was as red as tomato...

"Detention!" She yelled at me.

"Like it's something new to me from you...whatever start our great lesson now,please!" I said with a fake smile,she glared at me and started talking again.

"Why were you late?" Hermione asked me whispering.

"I uh-" I was about to say more,but then I heard Malfoy talking behind me.

"You know...not that it means anything to you what I say,but you're a bitch to her,why?By the way enjoy your detention, my love!" I heard Malfoy saying behind me,I turned around and smiled at him with a fake smile.

"Shut the hell up, you asshat!" I said angrily.

"You know you love me." Malfoy said winking and of course smirking.

"In your dreams 'my love',ok?" I said to him winking jokingly, and then turned around.

"We'll see about that." I heard him say quietly.

Our lesson ended and we walked to Herbology...not my favorite,but I can deal with it.This lesson also was pretty boring.I mean come on...the only one who really loves this lesson is Neville,not surprised though.

Then we had Transfiguration where I almost died because of Ron.When lesson started I sat next to Ron like always,because he sucks at this potions you know...anyway I sat down and then Minerva started to talk...

"Hello,welcome back miss Y/L/N!" She said smiling,I said hello back to her and she said that we are doing some project today in pairs...oh boy...

"Ron do me a favor and please don't kill us if you make something!" I said laughing,he started to laugh too.To be honest that project we did went pretty well,but we laughed at this because Minerva said we did the best job.I know we shouldn't laugh at something like this,especially when your teacher says something good about you and/or your partner,but being us it made us laugh,because come on we've always have been not the greatest pair in this lesson,well Ron blows up some...things...sometimes.Now you maybe don't understand why I almost died,right?Anyway it's because we laughed so much and Ron had tears in his eyes and he fell from his chair which made me laugh even more and the whole class looked at us weirdly.He made me laugh so much that my stomach hurt and even my head started to that's why I almost died today in there.Wait we have lunch now...I am starving,bloody hell.

"Ron get your fat ass up from the floor and let's go to the Great Hall,we have lunch!" I said laughing,he then stopped laughing and realized that all the others already are gone,he got up fastly and we the Great Hall.

*Great Hall*

As we entered Great Hall we were basically out of breath and the whole hall looked at us again,because we almost fell on the floor.

"Y/N,Ron!Where were you?!" Hermione asked.

"Ron didn't realize that our lesson was over and all people were you can tell we ran to here." I said smiling and then the twins both sat next to me...I mean one on my left side and the other on the right.

"Hello, love!" They said in unison and smiled at me.

"Hi, lovely idiots!" I said with a smirk and then laughed,the others laughed too so...I take this as a good thing.

We ate and then walked to our next lessons...we had Flying...double. I am not gonna survive this again,Slytherin and Gryffindor kids, not the greatest combo as we all know.

We had to do 3 matches of Quidditch which were making me exhausted and Malfoy almost got both of us killed...or at least with broken leg or anything like this.I had to be the beater,I had to beat one of these,but I didn't saw that Malfoy was flying directly at me,but when we saw each other we both had wide eyes and in the last second we both flyed in other direction and as fast as possible.

Nothing much happened after that and then our lessons were over.Me and the golden trio walked back to our common room,but then the twins came to us with a wide grin plastered on their faces...oh god what did they do now?

"Boys...what did you do?" I asked them as I looked at them suspiciously.

"We made some candies...not good ones though and sent them to Filch from 'Umbridge'...haha he looks horrible, but the good thing is that he doesn't even know that we did this.We would be in Dumbledore's office if he had found out." Fred explained again.

"Yeah basically. I hope he's never gonna find out though, I don't want to get killed so soon!" George said laughing.

"Oh shut it...wait can we prank someone from Slytherin? Please." I asked them pleading.

"Yeah!Absolutely!We just wanted to ask you if you would want to help us? Since you know you and Slytherin...amazing!" They said with a devil smirk,I nodded.

"Y/N why are you making deals with devils? You have enough of troubles, besides you-" Ron explained,but then he had wide eyes.

"Besides what?" I asked him confusedly.

" have detention!Like right now!You should run,before you're gonna die!" Hermione said worriedly, then I was the one who started to panic and then I ran...I think this is literally the day I'm gonna die.

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