Chapter 78

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"True! But you can always ask the twins for help. Those two can come up with a lie better than I do. But...if you want to learn from me then I don't mind." I said and we all nodded.

Then, we just chilled in the common room until we went to the Great Hall to eat dinner and after that, we went to our dorms where Hermione went asleep almost right away. I just read a book until I got tired and went to sleep too.

Tomorrow will be interesting...


"Y/N! I'm bored! Get up!" Hermione said, loudly and I groaned, took one of the pillows and hit her with it.

"Was that entertaining enough? I'm too tired, 'Mione!" I said with a sigh and she threw the pillow back at me.

"Y/N, come on! I need to get ready! And besides, we need to go to eat." Hermione said, and I groaned again.

"'Mione, it's 11 am! You don't need to get ready! But fine...let's go! I'm hungry!" I said with a sigh, got up from the bed, did my morning routine, changed my clothes and walked down the stairs to the common room.

"Don't you look happy, Y/N/N!" Harry said, and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't start, Harry! I'm *yawned* still tired!" I said, yawned and then someone jumped on my back.

"Hi, Y/N!" Oliver said, happily and I chuckled, holding him.

"Hi, Oliver, the all too happy kid!" I said, and he chuckled.

"I wish Y/N was this smiley with us too!" Ron said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Let's go eat! I'm hungry!" I said and Oliver tightened his grip around me.

"You're taking me there. I'm too lazy to walk." Oliver said, and Hermione chuckled next to me.

"You're lucky, Oliver! She's friendly with you!" Hermione said and I gasped.

"See what I have to deal with, Oliver?" I asked with a dramatic sigh.

"I know why Y/N likes me more than you guys," Oliver said smugly and then Harry, Hermione and Ron turned to face him.

"I'd like to know the secret too!" Ron pointed out and we all chuckled.

"I'm causing trouble all the time!" Oliver said, happily and Ron gasped.

"The four of us are in the middle of the chaos all the time, Oliver!" Ron said, and Oliver shrugged.

"But do you prank people? She loves pranksters!" Oliver said, and Ron sighed.

"True, that's why she's best friends with Fred and George!" Ron said, and Harry nodded.

"That's a fact!" Harry said, and I chuckled.

"At least they're fun!" I said and Hermione shook her head, laughing.

"You all need to leave Y/N alone! She's still tired!" Hermione said, and they all sighed dramatically.

"Fine! I'll see you later! I gotta go now!" Oliver said, jumped down from my back and ran to his friends while Harry, Ron, Hermione and I walked away and sat down somewhere else.

"When does the party starts? Or whatever it is." I asked, and Harry sighed.

"6 pm, I guess! I seriously don't wanna go." Harry said, and we all chuckled.

"It's going to be fine, Harry!, on the other hand, need to be careful! Cormac will be there!" I said, and Hermione looked away, awkwardly.

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