Chapter 48

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"Y/N? Oh my god are you ok?" I now saw Malfoy in front of me with worried face.

"Y-yeah." I said and stood up smiling a little.

"Y/N!" Someone said behind us...and...

it was...


"Hermione!!" I said and right after that she pulled me into a tight hug and sobbed a little.

"Don't cry 'Mione. I am literally ok. It just scared me...a little. I just freaked out when it tried to come after me." I said and then pulled away a little and she smiled, but just a little bit.

"You scared the hell out of me." She said again and then my two favorite idiots picked me up together. One of them held my waist and the other one held my legs. Weirdos.

"Oh my god you're in one piece." They said in unison and hugged me tightly, together.

"Of course I am, you idiots!!" I said in a duh tone and then started to laugh.

"But I thought something happened to you. I almost fainted when Hermione came back and said that she didn't find you." George said panicking and then they put me down. After that George kissed my cheeks and my forehead and then hugged me again.

Then it was Fred's turn...

"Y/N...if our mom would have been here she would literally have fainted or she would have killed that thing if it tried to hurt you. But know how protective I am about you. I would do the same as our mother. I would get in trouble than her. Don't you ever dare to walk out from mini Hogwarts like this. I love you, my lil lost sis." Fred said and also kissed my cheeks and my forehead and smiled at me for a second and then pulled me into a hug.

After pulling away Hagrid cleared his throat and we turned to him.

"You guys should go back. You all should sleep by now. You have lessons tomorrow. By the way Y/N are you Ok?*I nodded* Now all of you get back inside, immediately." Hagrid said, we all nodded and quickly walked back.

*mini Hogwarts*

"Umm...I think we all really should go to sleep if we don't want to be zombies tomorrow so...have a good night all of you!!!" I said to all of them smiling, they all nodded smiling to me too. But of course the trio and the twins hugged me and said good night. And then I walked to the room that me and Malfoy obviously shared.

After I walked in and changed my clothes I just went to lay down on the bed sighing. I closed my eyes for a second, but when I reopened my eyes all I saw was Draco's face.

"Oh my god! You scared me, Draco!" I quietly said looking at him. He smiled a little, but it was dark so I didn't see him that much...I just know he smiled.

"Hey, hey! It's ok. Calm down." He said calmly and pulled my hair out of my face and put it behind my ear. And this actually calmed me down.

"Thank you, Draco! Can we go to sleep now?" I asked him quietly, he nodded smiling and then he put a blanket around me and put one around him too.

We didn't talk tonight and I felt uncomfortable because of this...that's weird and one more and darkness are not the greatest friends. I watched the ceiling for I guess 5 minutes and then sighed again.

"Hey, Draco. Are you up?" I quietly asked him.

"Yup. Wait...why are you still up? Shouldn't you sleep? Aren't you tired? Y/N-" Draco asked me questions, but I rolled my eyes, but the best part is that he didn't see that.

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