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"It's... not for me, I regret doing it," I admit.

"What is your dream job?" She asked.

"Stay at home mother, but sense god put me here to repulse people I'd like to be a secretary."

"I'm looking for a secretary."

"Well after this sale maybe I'll have enough money to quit, I could always downsize."

"Oh trust me love you won't need to downsize." She said and I realized how quickly her tone changes.

"S-secretary's make a lot of money?" I asked getting slightly uncomfortable.

"Well, mine do." She smiled.

"That's good," I said. She grabbed my glass passing it to me again, I took a sip and she pleased the glass back down on the table. she placed her hand on my for a second then removed it.

"What would you like to eat?" She asked.

"I don't know..." I said looking over the menu.

"Do you have any restrictions?" She asked.

"No," I said looking up at her.

"Ok, I'll order for you." She said. I put my menu down and grabbed my glass of champagne, I took a drink and watched as Miss. Davis watched me. The waiter walked over to us and Miss. Davis finally took her eyes off me. "I'll have filet mignon and she'll have truffle risotto."

"Ok, anything else to drink Miss?"

"I'll have a scotch on the rocks and for you?" She said making eye contact with me again, I broke it looking down but I knew her eyes were still on me.

"Water please." I smiled looking up at the waiter. He walked away and I decided to pull my eyes back up to look at Miss. Davis sitting in front of me. Part of me wanted to know her first name but the other part of me knew she'll tell me when she is good and ready and not until.

"What's it like in publishing?" I asked.

"It's a good job, I like it. Being told you can't make a living at something and proving everyone wrong is rewarding."

"I wouldn't know anything about being reworded." I regretted the words as they left my lips instantly.

"That's sad." She said.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

"It's ok."

"Here you go ma'am," the waiter passed me my water and then Miss. Davis her drink. "Enjoy." He walked away and again I felt eyes burning on me, I looked up as I took a sip from my glass my eyes were still on her as I laid my glass down. The silence wasn't awkward, it was just simple quiet. Her eyes left mine for a second to travel down my body, they looked at every inch of my skin that was visible.

"Your very pretty."

"Thank you." I smiled. The waiter came with our food and as Miss. Davis watched him place the plates down I studied her face. She had very prominent features, her skin was pale but you could tell she had a slight tan, her dark brown eyes left the waiter and I was caught. I quickly put my eyes on the plate in front of me, it was A rice thing. I know very little about the Culinary arts, I knew it was rice and that's about it. "It looks delicious," I said.

"It is, but I prefer steak." She smiled at me as she started cutting into her meal. I grabbed a spoon taking a bite of mine. Miss Davis talk small talk through the meal and that was it, by the time the waiter came with the bill I remembered we met up to talk about a house and office. "Here." She said grabbing my elbow as if I wasn't capable of standing on my own, she passed me my purse and I smiled up at her she was a lot taller than me. She looked so mature... people would probably mistake us for mother and daughter. Miss Davis paid for our food I offered to pay for mine but she wouldn't even let me finish the sentence.

"Ma'am we didn't even talk about your house or office..." I said as we exited the dining room, she grabbed my elbow again leading me down a small hallway away from everyone else in the lobby of the hotel. I almost felt like we shouldn't have been there, but at the same time, I feel like she could get away with anything. I looked up into her eyes, she had me nearly pressed to the wall her body inches from mine. I did have a small bit of room behind me if I needed to pull away, I felt like I wouldn't need to... I felt like I wouldn't be able to if I tried...

"I want to get to know you before I bought a place from you." She said, and I could feel her breath on my face and I'm sure if I licked my lips I would be able to taste her.

"You don't buy them directly from me-" "-I know how this works dolly, are you presuming I'm stupid?" She cut me off moving even closer.

"No, I'm sorry Miss Davis," I said. I took a small step back and found myself pressed against the wall, crap. My eyes darted from side to side trying to find the quickest way out, tonight has been... odd to say the least. Maybe this black dress wasn't the best idea.

"I'm sorry if I came across as too aggressive." She said as she backed up a few inches, her British accent retreated some. I pushed myself off the wall, it gave me more room to take a running start if she tried something... maybe I wouldn't run.

"It's ok. You just startled me." I spoke quietly, I looked into her eyes she's been looking me in the eye all night and every chance she got she tried to make eye contact with me.

"I've been told I'm very..." she thought for a long second. "Intimidating." She finally said and before I could catch my brain up to my mouth I spoke.

"I would prefer the word cocky." She looked down at me, grabbing my arm. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean it, I shouldn't have said it I'm so sorry Miss Davis... I really need this sale I'm so terribly sorry." I blabbered quickly. I could not lose this sale if I did I'd be jobless and broke and I only have myself to depend on.

"Can I be honest?" She said with flatness in her is voice. I was so scared, if she yelled I'd probably cry...

"Yes ma'am," I spoke softly.

"I missed my flight to see you tonight." I was now backed agent the wall again. "I googled you to see what dirt I could find... you're the cleanest person I've ever searched. And when your photo came up on my screen I knew I needed to meet with you." She breathed and she looked down at the small gap between our body, I let out air as I lifted my eyes to her keeping my head low.

"But we didn't even talk about a place for you or an office tonight..." I said trying to keep myself upright, I don't think I wanted to run away... for the first time in my life I was excited by the feeling of fear she gave me... or maybe it wasn't fear...

"I don't give a damn about that right now, all I want is you." She said slapping her hand against the wall beside my head, I flinched slightly. Her body was pressed to mine.

"W-what?" I question looking up at her. It was then I realized that I was scared, but not because a stranger whose first name I'm yet to know was pressed up against me, I was scared because it was the most excited I've been in a long time. And I think I loved it.

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