twenty five

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We pulled up to a tall building and as we got out of the cab I was stunned, Lucy opened the door and gestured for me to go ahead of her. "Good morning Miss." A blonde on the front desk said.

"Morning." Lucy nodded towards her, I felt like all eyes were on me. I followed tightly to lucy trying not to look like a lost puppy, we got in an elevator and she pressed the top floor button. She put her lips on mine quickly and let it linger.

"Glad to have you back Miss Davis." A woman smiled as we stepped out of the elevator.

"Not back for long Carla." She said as we walked fast towards as glass office at the other end of the hall. Lucy pushed open the door and a guy was facing a small coffee station.

"Sexy c-" He turned around and turned red. "Sorry Miss Davis- I... I thought you..." She held up her hand.

"I don't care about your private life Lawson. What's of urgency?" She gestured for me to sit down on a black couch in the far corner of the room, no introduction. I nodded lightly and sat down pulling out my phone.

"I... I don't know what caused it but Trido wants to pull out."

"What?!" She demanded loudly

"I- I don't know wh... I just... they..."

"Can you not form a sentence?" She asked going to her desk and rifling through paper and picking up her phone. She stopped and looked up at the guy- lawson. "Can I help you?" She asked.

"I'm sorry Miss Da-"

"GO!" He quickly left and went straight to the elevator. I didn't speak I just watched Lucy put her head down and talk faster than I thought possible and write even faster. I noticed the view for the first time and I got up slowly making my way to the window. I looked out at all the buildings and was in awe, I had never seen something so beautiful. after I don't know how long I jumped when Lucy slammed the phone down. I turned to look at her and she spun her chair to glance at me. "here." She said. I walked over to her and she turned completely to face me, she took my hand and sighed.

"Stupid question but... are you ok?" She let out a laugh and looked into my eyes.

"I might lose a couple of million dollars-"

"Lu- Miss Davis..."

"All because of that incompetent son of a bi-"

"Hey," I said reaching down to touch her face, she swatted my hand away. "Sorry..."

"When we get home, we are going straight to the room. I had a question for you right now."

"Ok mistress," I said quietly.

"Do you want to get used to things tonight or do you want m-"

"Give me it all," I said knowing I'd regret it.

"You don't understand how that is."

"Well tell me."

"it's all on the table. All except your hard limits."

"Ok," I said just above a whisper.

"There... I'm under so much right now, I might do things that..."

"Use me, mistress, I'm yours."

"Ya kitten, you want me to use you tonight? hum?" I nodded slowly. "Want to be my little toy?"

"Yes, mistress." She smiled up at me and then pointed towards the coffee maker.

"Get me a cup of coffee, three sugar. Please." I quickly did as I was told, I was scared... what're her plans for tonight? I tried to remember the list of things on the contract, what I didn't cross off... I'm screwed... Literally. I passed her the mug and I went back to the couch, I watched the sun get low over the city as Lucy did paperwork and took a few phone calls. The girl outside the office came in a few times to ask if she needed help. Lucy offered me the job before she signed me up for this how many women work here that she slept with? "kitten." I jumped awake. "Get up, we're going back to my place."

"I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep." I mumbled as she pulled me up.

"It's ok kitten, you got some rest." We got into a cab and after about fifteen minutes we turned up a street and after around ten or fifteen minutes we pulled up to a fairly large house.

Lucy opened the door and pushed me up against the wall as she kicked the door closed. She shrugged off her jacket and kicked off her shoes, I managed to get mine off and she grabbed my hand tightly pulling me with her. She led us down a long hallway, to the left was a door with a thumbprint lock, she put her finger on it and once it made a small click she shoved it open and pulled me inside. I suddenly realized how nervous I was. "Take off your shirt and pants, I'll be right back." She left before I could speak, I pulled off my shirt quickly and glanced around. I hauled off my pants and felt nervous as I saw the things hanging on the ways in velvet display cases, Whips, paddles, gags... knives. I slowly walked towards the case and the knives were beautiful but... scary. I shivered as I felt her hand wrap around the back of my neck, "Remember your safe words?" she whispered in my ear.

"um." my brain felt like mush.

"Black- slow down Red- stop." I nodded slowly. "Repeat it." She snapped.

"R-red stop. Black slow... down."

"Good. Are you ready?"

"Yes, mistress," I said quickly.

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