Curtis sister- Stop Sugar Coating (2)

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~A week later~

I woke up that morning anxious, today was the day my test results would come in.. I quickly hopped out out bed, and ran to the bathroom. My coughing has been getting worse, and I could tell Darry wasn't really sure what to do.

I got  dressed and walked downstairs to find the gang all sitting down on the couch.. they all smiled at me. 

"Hey guys" I said awkwardly while taking a seat next to Johnny and Steve 

"Reagan" Darry said as he held up a envelope

My eyes got wide as I jumped up to open it

"Wait.. Why didn't you guys open it?" I asked while pausing

"Cause we wanted you to open it stupid" Dallas interrupted

I rolled my eyes as I carefully opened the letter, the gang's eyes getting wider and wider.

I Got the letter out of the envelope and slowly unfolded it..  reading each and every word carefully. 

"Hemoptysis?" I asked shakily

"I have Hemoptysis?" I said while Darry grabbed the letter from me

The gang slowly started to put their heads down.. I could see Soda and Ponyboy's eyes filled with tears.. and Dallas mumbling something under his breath.

"This can't be right" Darry said in a low voice  

I sat slowly sat down on the couch..

"I'm dying.." I slowly said

The gang looked at me horrified

"Reagan no don't say that" Dallas said

"I'm DYING" I repeated 

"Reagan no, it's just a stupid dieses" Sodapop said

You quickly stood up from the couch

"NO SODAPOP I'M DYING STOP SUGAR COATING" I said while I stood up and ran outside

"REAGAN!" the gang yelled

I was furious I was dying.. why couldn't they just accept it! 

All of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder.. 

I flinched, but cooled down when I found out it was only Dallas 

"Hey kid" he said while putting his arm over my shoulder 

"Hey Dal" I said 

"Y'know kid, your not gonna die" he said 

I scoffed

"Since when do you give a rats ass?" I said coolly completely forgetting that I had talked back to Dallas Winston. 

He grabbed my waist, and pulled me to him, I was a little shorter than him so he had to bend his head, his hot breath against my collarbone made me chill. 

I was excepting a lecture from him, but instead he pinned me to the nearest wall.

I couldn't process what happened.. but all I know what happened next was Dallas whispering in my ear

"Dally always get's what he wants" he said

I rolled my eyes

"Shut up and kiss me Winston" I said

He grinned evilly, as he smashed his lips on mine.. It wasn't anything like my last boyfriend's kiss. This one was passionate, deep, and rough.

When we finally pulled away for air.. he cupped my chin and told me in a deep voice

"Your ain't gonna die Reagan.. Dallas Winston's never wrong" he said

I couldn't help but blush 10x as hard.. I just nodded stupidly..

He smiled and took my hand as we walked down the road, we were talking about random things to get that off my mind.

"So, it's true that you rode rodeos?" I asked

He nodded, 

"I always used to ride Mickey Mouse, but Of course Sodapop was furious with it.. but did it look like I gave a damn" he said coolly

I laughed as he smiled at me

"You have a real pretty laugh Reagan" he said

I smiled, "and you have a hot attitude Winston"  

He smiled the stopped me

"Reagan.. uhm- would you be my girlfriend?" he asked uncomfortably

I looked at him then smirked.. 

"Can't believe I waited 6 years for you to say that" I said 

He paused and looked at me

"Reagan, you had a crush on me for 6 years?" He asked

I nodded, "Yup since I was 10" 

"B-but that's when we first met" He said

I nodded again..

"Well.. same here" he said coolly

I smiled and started kicking a rock down a road,

"Dallas I would love to be your girlfriend" I said

He turned to me and smiled.. he picked me up and spinned me.

He sat me down as I kissed me again..

"I love you Reagan" He said

"I love ya too Winston" I said

Then all of a sudden I started coughing.. this time I felt real dizzy, I gripped on Dallas' shoulder.. all of a sudden I felt myself fall into Dallas arms. He quickly picked me up and ran to the Curtis house. 

All I could hear before I went totally unconscious was a bunch of muffled voices. 

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