Dallas- Cape

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A/N this was inspired by a movie! 

"Doll I'm going out for work!" my boyfriend Dallas yelled as he ate a piece of toast from the kitchen

Ever since Dallas and I had a baby girl, he's been pitching in more than I thought.. and by *pitching in* I mean he's got a part time job as a maintance only until he decides what he wants to do later on in life.

"Alright I'll cya at 5" I said while kissing his cheek

"Bye Daddy!" our 5 year old daughter Nichole said as she jumped into his arms 

"Bye baby" Dallas said while hugging her and kissing her

He opened the door when all of a sudden Nichole tugged him on the bottom end of his shirt 

"What is it girlie?" he said as he bent down to her level

"Daddy.. today I have to present for show and tell and I'm scared" she said while fiddling with her fingers

I was looking at them through the kitchen while I laughed softly to myself 

"Hm.." he said while he thought for a moment 

"I got an idea!" he said while standing up

He took of an imaginary cape and wrapped it around Nichole..

"What's that daddy?" she asked

"It's a fearless cape" he responded

"I don't see it"  she asked while looking behind her

"That's because it's invisible.." he said

"What does it do?" she asked

"It keeps you brave and safe, that means your not scared and nothing can hurt you" he said as he smiled

"Well then you won't have one" Nichole said 

"That's okay, my daddy gave it to me when I was your age, and told me when you wear this *no one can hurt you* and now I'm a grown up and I don't need it anymore, so I'm giving it to you" he said

You smiled softly from the kitchen, you knew Dallas had a rough childhood and you admired him for making Nichole's life better.

"So are you sure your ready to wear on the cape?" he asked jokingly 

Nichole nodded furiously 

"Thanks daddy" she said as she jumped into his arms

"No problem girlie" he said as he kissed her forehead 

"Bye Y/N!" he shouted across the hall as he blew you a kiss

You smiled and waved 

He shut the door.

You sighed as you finished drying the last dish

"Okay now c'mon Nicky let's go get ready for kindergarten" you said while picking her up

~5 hours later~

"Nicky could you clean up your toys honey get away from the window!" you yelled as you closed the oven with your foot

"Just a minute mommy daddy's gonna be home soon!" she said as she continued watching out the big window in the living room

You sighed as you placed the food on the table 

You went into the kitchen to make a quick salad when all of a sudden you saw Nicky run out the door

"DADDY YOUR CAPE" she screamed

"NICKY!" you yelled as you ran into the living room, you quickly looked out the window just to a see a guy holding a gun in front of Dallas


"I'M SORRY BUT I TOLD YOU, YOU NEED A NEW DOOR FIRST NOW PLEASE PUT IT DOWN" Dallas yelled as both of his hands were up in the air

All of a sudden you saw your daughter outside

"NICHOLE ANN WINSTON" you screamed bloody murder as you ran outside 

All of a sudden, the guy shot the gun just as Nichole ran into Dallas arms, her back facing the gun.

"NO!" Dallas screamed as he hugged her

Your eyes went wide as you ran outside, the guy just froze and looked at the gun, terrified with horror in his eyes realizing what he had just done

"Daddy I saved you" she said weakly 

You pulled up her shirt just to see absolutely nothing 

"It's a miracle" you said   

"YOU SON OF A B****" Dallas said as you grabbed your daughter and held her in your arms as 

Dallas belted him as he knocked out cold, as he turned his attention back to his daughter

He grabbed her as he slowly started crying,

"Nicky.. your alive how!" he said as he examined her back furiously

"It's the cape daddy" she said as she snuggled into his warmth 

"I can't believe it.. she risked her life for you Dal" you said slowly as you traced your fingers on her back

"I know.." he said as he turned to you with his daughter in his arm

He smiled as he pulled you close all of you sitting on the cold cement ground 

Suddenly, you remembered when you and Dallas first met, you got jumped by some Soc's and he rescued you while you were all bruised and cut up.. if it wasn't for him.. you could have been dead.

"Like father, like daughter" you said softly 

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