Dating them would include

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Lots of massages 
Secret kisses
Lot's of smiling and winking 
Romantic Dinner
Being the mom of the group
Sodapop and Ponyboy adoring you 
Him surprising you with cute little accessories everyday
Being the Responsible but also romantic couple


Lot's of I love you's
Him teaching you about cars
Drinking chocolate milk together
Lots of Cute kisses
Him picking you up and spinning you when he hasn't seen you in like 15 minutes 
Playing in the leaves/rain
Going to every single park there is in Tulsa and playing on it
Midnight swinging 
The gang adoring you
Him being the second most protective boyfriend 
Having a lot of picnics and alone time
You guys being the cute couple everyone wishes they were 


Lot's of quick kisses
Nose kisses
You always resting your head on his shoulder 
Going to the library like almost everyday 
Drinking Hot cocoa and Apple cider
Adoring Autumn
Going Fall shopping 
Long walks
Watching Sunsets 
Being the aesthetic couple


Lot's of long make out kisses wherever you are
Him trusting you the most
Him having a soft spot for you
You helping him through tough times
Long hugs
Piggy back rides
Him being the most protective boyfriend to exist
Quick hand holding
Him always whispering dirty and cute things in your ears
Everybody being scared to mess with you 
The gang adoring you 
Being the Badass couple


Him whispering cute things in your ear
Him always leaving flowers for you in random places
A lot of hugging
Midnight talks
Quick kisses
You protecting him from his parents every time they try to hit him
Him always protecting you from Soc's
Him leaving cute little notes in random places
Going out for walks
Making a lot of arts and crafts
Lot's of cuddling 
Watching a lot of Disney movies while it's cold outside 
Him attempting to make you breakfast in bed
You being the sweet couple 


Him smiling every time he see's you
Can't stop talking about you
You always wearing his Denim Vest
Him teaching you about cars
Free gas 
Working with him at the DX
Jamming out to your favorite songs
Big hugs
Soft kisses
Long walks on beaches
Eating a lot of chocolate cake
Arm wrestling 
Him getting mad at anyone who tries to hurt you or talk bad about you
Having a special boyfriend-Girlfriend Bond that everyone else wishes they had 
Being the Casual, but special couple 


Lot's of Chocolate cake 
Long kisses
Gentle hugs 
Drinking bear while watching sunsets
Always watching Mickey Mouse
Him protecting you from any Soc's 
Pulling Pranks on everyone
Telling a bunch of jokes
A Lot of Midnight Laughing 
The Gang loving you cause your so funny
Holding hands 
Lot's of long drives 
Loving Mickey Mouse
Always Watching Disney
Him always pranking you 
Being the funny couple

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