Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Richard’s expression hardened as he stared over at Chase. “Go I’ll see to this.” He replied calmly.  However, the look on his face showed he was angry as hell. As Chase walk out of the room, it was as if he was making sure he kept his back towards us. My chest tightened so much that it was making it harder for me to breathe. Once his son was out of view I turned to look at Richard. The look of anger had changed to a look pure disappointment. “Come on lets get you comfortable.” He said in a soothing loving voice. Nevertheless, I could see the hurt in his eyes.

Marissa then came walking into the room. The pitiful look she gave me made me feel even worse, if that was possible. “Oh, Jasmine hunny. Come here” she said holding her arms open for me. Shifting my body from Richards to hers, she wrapped her arms around me. The warmth of her embrace made my whole body relax into her instantly. It wasn’t until then I realised I was still crying. So much had happened in such a small space of time that I was finding it hard to cope with it all.

After explaining my nightmare to Richard and Marissa. The pair of them never said a word. Nonetheless, I could tell they were talking through their mate link. However, that didn’t bother me as much as the worried expressions that clouded their faces. “Is there something wrong with me?” I asked. As that had been the question, I have been frustratingly asking myself for many weeks now.  I knew they were both debating whether to tell me or not. Feeling more anxious then ever before. ”Please I don’t care how or what you tell me. I just need to know.” I pleaded. That seemed to work as Richard straightened himself up and started pacing the room. Within a few seconds, another man came into the room. The man looked the double of Richard, only a lot older. “Hello Jasmine. I’m Paul, Richards father.” He greeted. “Hello.” I replied in a bare whisper. As I was feeling so mentally and physically drained that all I wanted to do was sleep. However, that was also the very last thing I wanted as well.

What felt like hours had passed and now I was feeling anxious as hell. “Jasmine there is no easy way to tell you what I have say.” He said looking at me more intensely. Richard and Marissa both pushed their bodies closer up against me I knew that was their way of offering me more comfort. I nodded for him to go on. “Well, First off, how long have you been having these nightmares?” he asked. Looking down at my hands that I was nervously playing with me  was wondering whether to tell them the truth or not. “About a couple of months now.” I replied deciding honesty was the best way to find out everything. “When you first came of age to find your mate, was that the first time?” he asked. His questions went on for what felt like hours, even days, but in reality, I knew it was only a few minutes. Answering every question he threw at me, I was becoming more and more scared and confused. The questions he was asking, made no sense at all to me. As to be honest ,I hadn’t  a clue to why he was asking so many questions in the first place.  Half of them I didn’t even understand.  Feeling the anger building up with every question, I had to stop him. “Look Paul I don’t mean to be rude or disrespectful but please just tell me what is going on inside me please.” I said a lot more harshly than I intended to.

The three of them stared at me as if they where looking for something. Then seeing them giving  each other a quick nod he spoke up. “The gods have blessed you with not only your wolf, but a wolf with all elements . However, like everything it comes at a cost. Up until recently, the last of our sacred werewolves were here to rule and protect our kind. Unfortunately, the last of them died a couple of months ago. That’s the reason why I had to ask you so many questions. As I needed to make sure, I was right about you before telling you all of this.” He paused for a second before carrying on. “You are the new chosen one. The gods have chosen you to protect and rule all of our kind. You have been blessed with powers that are limitless. What I mean by that is when you find your mate the two of you will rule our kingdom. Your mate will stand by you and protect you as if he’s your guardian. He will be the only one that will be able to stop the evil that is trying to reach you into your soul and your dreams. For centuries now, the king of rogues has been working through the sacred ones dreams. We have learned through time that once you have mated the evil within the rogues cannot touch you. They will be banished not only from your dreams but also from entering this world as well. That is at least until you die.” He stopped to take a breath; I quickly picked that time to stop him. Holding my hand up I felt Richard’s eyes on me.  My head was spinning as I was trying to take in everything, he was telling me. Thankfully Richard cut in. “Father I think that is enough for Jasmine to take in for tonight. Also I think I need to have a talk with you and Marissa before we carry on any further.” Richard told his farther.

 Feeling my eyelids getting heavier by the second. Made me tighten my grip onto Marissa’s arm. “Please stay with me while I sleep.” I asked. I could even hear the fear in my voice. Kissing me on my forehead. “Sleep sweetheart, I will stay with you I promise.” She replied. “Will you stay with me until I wake up?” I asked not wanting to be left alone for a second.  After hearing so much tonight, I was worried that the rogue in my nightmares would take me, even worse kill me, or even rape me. Oh, god there is so much he could do to me. I thought to myself. It was as if all of them knew exactly what I was thinking. Because all of them suddenly placed their hands on me. “We will not let him take you or even hurt you Jasmine. We will make sure that one of us will be with you at all times until you find your mate.” Paul said. I kept thinking whether I should tell them I think I had already found my mate. Then I thought of how Chase had totally gone out of his way to not look or even talk to me. He must have seen me after my nightmare, wasn’t a mate meant to look out for their mate. Shouldn’t he have felt what I was feeling? Did he hate me that much that he couldn’t even look at me? So many unanswered questions kept playing on my mind. Then as soon as I felt Marissa’s soothing strokes through my hair, I fell into a deep slumber.  

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