Chapter Six

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Desperately Seeking My Mate

Chapter Six

Knocking on the alphas, (my dads) office door, I heard his deep commanding voice. “Come in Jasmine.”  It always amazed me how he always knew it was me before he had even seen me. That was the only reason I hated my dad being an Alpha. An Alpha was born with stronger and higher awareness then any other normal werewolf, as well as many other specialities that an Alpha is blessed with the moment they're born. For example, I could never get away with anything!  I mean not one single thing. There was no way in hell I could hide something from him because it was as if he could sniff it out of me before, I even realized he had.

 Opening the door I slowly made my way inside his office. Becoming anxious, I just cut straight to the chase. “Dad I want to go on a tour of the packs around the different states to find my mate. Can you help me please?” I asked blurting it all out at once. However, I knew he would hear the pleading, within my voice. My dad just stared at me with a blank expression, which worried me. As I needed him right now more than ever. His silence was killing me, as my father was never quiet. His eyes felt as if he was searching for something, straight through to my soul.

 After what felt like hours of intense silence, my father spoke up. “Jasmine, I’m going to have to talk to your mother first.” I was just about to cut him off. To plead him, as I knew my mother would in no way agree for me to go off on my own. Especially when she finds out that, I wanted to search for my mate. Don’t get me wrong werewolf parents can’t wait for there young to find their mate. Nonetheless, usually their mate is always within their own pack or a neighbouring pack. That’s one of the reason’s I was so eager to go off and find mine, as I knew my mate wasn’t near by.  “However, I think it will do you good to go and experience the ways of the other packs. Also I will make some calls now so I can arrange your visits with the other Alpha’s.” I leaped across my father’s desk as adrenaline, relief and excitement flowed through me. ”Oh, daddy thank you so much. Thank you, thank you, and thank you.” I kept repeating, as I kissed his cheek repeatedly. My father was now laughing his head off at my reaction. “Well princess lets get your hunt for your mate started shall we.” He said as he ruffled my hair. “Hey don’t mess with the hair.” I said jokingly whilst straightening my hair back down. However, my father knew me better as he knew damn well I was only messing with him, which only made him laugh more.

 I had found it so hard to get to sleep all night. As the excitement of knowing that in the morning, I was going to search for my mate. My mother didn’t agree at first. Nevertheless, my dad won her around after explaining how good of an experience it would be for me as a future Alpha female. Yes, that’s right, because of my families’ Alpha bloodlines; I was more than likely mated with a future Alpha.  However, I didn’t care what position or even where my mate was. As I knew the moment I laid eyes on him, I would love him no matter what.

Lying in my bed restless counting down the minutes, I watched the sun rising. I hadn’t been able to get any sleep all night. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t stop thinking of finding my mate. However, even though I was tired I was glad I didn’t have to go through another one of my nightmares. My mother then came barging into my room. “Ever heard of knocking first,” I said mocking the words, she always says to me. “Yeah, yeah, yeah very funny Jasmine, Anyway, I’m not here to play games with you this morning. Your father is running riot down stairs as we have all woken up late and your flight leaves in an hour.” She said, as she got a suitcase out, from under my bed. What the hell I must have been away with my thoughts longer than I thought. “Damn it, shit.” I yelped. As I jumped, out of bed and ran for a quick shower. “Jasmine language.” mother shouted out sternly. I rolled my eyes at her behind the now closed bathroom door. “And don’t roll your eyes at me young lady.” I couldn’t help but laugh at her physic. “Sorry mother.” I replied, before jumping into the boiling hot shower. The water pelted hard down on my body, relaxing all my tense but sleepy muscles.

As I reached the bottom step of the staircase, I remembered that through all my excitement that I hadn’t even told Tammy or Tara that I was leaving yet. “Have we time to make a quick stop at Tammy and Tara’s just so I can say goodbye?” I asked as I ran in the kitchen. “No.” My mother and father answered together.  My heart sunk at the thought of how they were going to hate me for leaving with out saying goodbye. Hell they didn’t even know I was leaving or why. I thought to myself. “We can do better.” I heard Tammy squeal as she came bouncing up to me and straggled me into a bone-crushing hug. “We sure can.” Tara said joining in. As she too was now hugging me, well more like killing me. “Hmm I can’t breathe.” I tried telling them as I was now sandwiched in between both of them. “Oops.” They both mumbled as they stepped back a little. We all started laughing.  Then as quick, as our laughter began it was gone. As we heard my mother and father telling us it’s time to go. My heart sunk and the tears streamed down my face at the thought of leaving my two best friends.

 It started me thinking whether I had made the right decision or not when Tara open her mouth. “Hey we will see you soon, I know it. As I know you are going to find your mate in no time.” even though her words did make me feel better, it didn’t stop the pain or loneliness I was feeling leaving them. “Yeah and if not we will come and visit you.” Tammy said through her tears. “Yeah.” Tara replied through her sobs as well. “Ok you three enough of this sob girly stuff, time to go.” My father said. Then he scooped me up just as he used to when I was little. I couldn’t help but giggle. As the girls where running behind us trying to catch up. Even though they knew, they had not a chance in hell at catching up with my father. “BYE.” they both screamed out as we pulled out of our driveway.

I would just like to say a big thank you to everyone who has voted commented or even become a fan of my works!!

Your all truly amazing as always :)

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All my <3  and appreciation Mel x

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