Chapter Five

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Desperately Seeking My Mate

Chapter Five

As much as I was dying to find out who her mate was, I thought it’d be best to leave her calm down a bit first. Well at least until after homeroom. Taking my seat beside her, I could still feel the tenseness of her body. Placing my hand on her shoulder, I gave it a slight squeeze, hoping this would help calm her down a little. Nevertheless, she still seemed anxious. “Jasmine, I don’t think he wants me.” She whispered as the tears started overflowing. “Hey shush, don’t be silly everyone loves you. He’s just probably hasn’t noticed the pull yet that’s all.” I tried reassuring her. Nonetheless, my words didn’t ease her at all, if anything they seemed to make her worse.

Not knowing what to do as we were still in our homeroom, I tried to come up with an excuse to get out of class. However, feeling everyone’s eyes on us, I done the only thing I could think of. Even though I knew, we were going to be in deep trouble for it I didn’t care. As Tammy was becoming an emotional wreck. Grabbing up our bags, I slung them over my shoulder. Then with my other hand, I grabbed hold of Tammy’s arm and started dragging her towards the door. Hearing the teacher scream at us I just ignored him and sped up. As I knew I had to get Tammy out of here otherwise she was going to, completely break down in front of everyone.

An hour later, we sat in the park and Tammy was finally starting to calm down. “Tammy who is it?” I asked softly. As I didn’t want to upset her anymore than she already was. “I think it’s.” Then she stopped and looked up at me. I mean really stared at me. It was as if she was debating whether to tell me or not. “Tammy please you’re starting to freak me out now.” I said as I started to feel a little uneasy. “Please just promise me you won’t get mad?” she asked, making me anxious. As in all the years that we have been friends I have never seen Tammy this worried even scared. “I promise.” I said. “It’s… hmm...” “Oh for god sakes Tammy will you just spit it out.” I said, A little harsher than I intended. “It’s Jackson.” She whispered. My heart sunk. Although I said I was happy about him not being my mate, it still hurt. My breathe caught in my throat as I took it in.

I wanted so badly to congratulate her and be happy for her. Nevertheless, the lump in my throat was stopping me as well as the pain in my heart. I could hear Tammy apologising non-stop as she cried. I felt so guilty for feeling like this, damn this was her mate. Clearing my throat, I pushed my feelings aside. “Congratulations Tammy I’m so happy for you.” I said truthfully. “Hey shush you should be happy not crying.” I told her laughing hoping I could cheer her up. “Jasmine he doesn’t want me I know he doesn’t. How could he not of felt that pull. Hell it was so strong I could have jumped him there and then.” She told me in between her sobs. “Tammy you have been sixteen for only a couple of weeks now and to be honest this is probably all my fault.” I said, before she had a chance to speak I cut in. Because it was more than likely was my fault. As I had convinced myself that Jackson was my mate so Tammy probably didn’t even look at him. As that’s how we first meet our mates. Our eyes lock and then it hits you. The most amazing thing happens to your body as well as your heart. It’s apparently as if your body explodes with tingles, sparks and pleasure that are way beyond words. Well so, I’ve been told that is.

 God how I long to feel them feelings. “Tammy, you mustn’t have noticed before due to thinking he was my mate.” I told her honestly.  Oh, god it hurt like hell saying it aloud. Nonetheless, I shoved that hurt aside as I reminded myself that there was someone out there for me and I will just have to find him.

We both fell into a comfortable silence, deep within our own thoughts. Hearing Tammy’s phone ringing broke the pair of us out of our inner thoughts. “Hello.” I heard her say nervously. Then the next I knew her face lit up like a child on Christmas morning. “Who is it?” I mouthed. However, seeing her face turn a crimson red, I didn’t need her to answer. As I knew, it had to be Jackson. Feeling my eyes filling up I started to make my way back towards the car, as I didn’t want Tammy to think I wasn’t happy for her because I was. It was just I have never felt so alone before. I had always had Tammy and Tara and since Tara found her mate, I haven’t seen her. Now I’m not going to see Tammy either. I thought to myself. A tear escape as it ran down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and straightened myself up.

Tammy dropped me off at home before she went to meet Jackson. She had gone on and on about meeting him and kissing him even losing her virginity. It was so nice thought knowing both of my best friends were happy. Although I was ready to break down at the emptiness, I was feeling. I knew I was going to have to come up with something, as there was no way I could stay here when everyone was finding his or her mates. It was obvious that my mate wasn’t in our pack or I would have found him by now. The neighbouring packs I will admit I wasn’t too sure about.  Surely, I would’ve found him by now or he would’ve found me. I thought to myself.

Lying on my bed I plugged my ipod in as I left my tears fall. I’m not the jealous type usually. I always wanted everyone one I loved to be happy but right now, I wanted some of that happiness. That’s when I came up with an idea and as long as my dad goes along with it, then I could be out of here by tomorrow morning. I thought to myself smiling.

 Hope you all enjoy :D

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Much <3 and appreication to all readers

Mel x

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