Chapter Twenty-one

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Note at end :)

Chapter Twenty-one

 I didn’t realise I was crying until Chase hugged me and wiped away my tears. Hearing a low growling coming from Caleb had my blood boiling. He didn’t want me but yet he wasn’t going to let me have anyone else. like fuck I thought to myself angrily. Before I could say a word though Richard cut in using his Alpha tone. “Enough Caleb.”  The room fell silent but not for long as Paul continued. “As I was saying, Caleb will have to fully reject you for the bond between the two of you to break. Then it will be down to Chase whether he accepts you or not.” The way Paul was explaining everything about my mate repulsed me. It felt like I was a piece of meat up for grabs, instead of a soul mate.

Chase must have noticed the look of disgust on my face as he placed a kiss on my cheek. “If I could have you as my mate I would never let you go, not ever. I have already grown to love you and I would give anything to have you as my mate.” Hearing Chase’s words had me full out crying.  I could feel Caleb’s eyes on me it was as if they were burning straight through to my soul. He was angered by chase’s  speech but as I, much as I wanted him to suffer it didn’t stop the pain I felt inside my chest. I wanted to comfort him I really did but I couldn’t, I wouldn’t he didn’t deserve my love, I thought to myself.

On the other hand, Chase was what I had always dreamed of in finding my mate. After I got my tears under control, I cleared my throat before speaking up. “Chase I have grown to love you too and I would love nothing more than to be your mate.” I answered him truthfully. Caleb changed into his wolf and pounced at Chase.  Luckily, enough Richard had noticed and changed into his wolf blocking Caleb from attacking his brother again. My heart stopped, did Caleb love me, and did he want me as his mate? was something or someone stopping him from mating with me, I thought to myself.

With Paul, here I really thought I would have gotten my head sorted out. Only now I was more confused then before we started. “Paul can I talk with you alone please?” I asked because having Caleb and Chase, this close to me was sending my body insane and right now, I needed answers not sexual desires. I could feel Caleb and Chase’s eyes burning into me. Nevertheless, as much as I wanted to look at them, I didn’t. Because right now I had bigger, more important things on my mind. Like how the hell am I going to stop the evil one? Or better still how to get a better control over my elements so I could defend not only myself but everyone else as well.

Within a few seconds, everyone had left the room leaving Paul and I alone. “What would you like to know first?” he asked as if it we were going to have a normal everyday chat.

Taking in a deep breath to ready myself, “I don’t really know where to start.” I told him honestly. “Well why not start with the questions that are troubling you the most.”

His voice was so soothing; I could feel myself instantly calming down. I knew I had to be completely open and honest with him so I could get some answers. So going with the most embarrassing one first I blurted out. “How can I stop the evil one? Because now he can sexually touch me not only while I’m asleep but also while I’m awake. And on top of that none of you can see him or even stop him.” he looked at me as if he was studying me for a second before he answered. “Truthfully, no one can stop him.” my body tensed as my blood ran cold, that was the answer I was dreading the most., Even though I was freaking out he just carried on oblivious to how I was taking this.  "That is something only you can do, well you and your mate.” Panic set in as his words sunk in.

I knew I couldn’t stop the evil one hell I’ve tried. “Jasmine child.” With my heart exhilarating, I lifted my head so I could see his face. “Let me explain.” I nodded for him to go on. ”First off, you can stop him. However, you have to believe in yourself first because the evil one is feeding off of your innocence and fear. Your feelings are what strengthens him, even encourages him. You need to believe more in the gods above. they are there for you child you just have to let them in.” giving me time to take it all in he stopped for a few minutes before carrying on. “Now what we need to do first is to teach you how to call upon the gods. I know we’ve been through this but it seems that when you either panicked or angry you can’t get them to help, when you need them the most. ”  his words where true because I could call upon the gods and my elements when I wasn’t under threat. Nonetheless, the minute I felt panicked or got  angry I couldn’t focus enough.

After about an hour of Paul, scaring the life out of me as well as angering me, I finally got control. I could call upon the gods and the elements no matter what state my mind I was in. Feeling so much better within myself, I went straight onto my next question.

 The next few hours, were spent with me asking him questions and thankfully, he was able to answer them all. Well that is except from one, that one being my mate.  Because as he had told me. That is something that only I can work out, as I  will have to choose between Chase and Caleb. Then in his own words, he said. “Jasmine, please remember that for you to be able to mate with Chase you will have to have Caleb’s full rejection.” I knew what he was saying by the look in his eyes. He didn’t think Caleb was going to give me up to his brother. I still wanted Caleb but I wanted chase as well. Then again if Caleb doesn’t want me then won’t he be excited to get rid of me I thought to myself.

Feeling drained and sleepy Paul offered to stay with me so I could go to sleep for a while promising me that he will protect me. Knowing he knew so much about the evil one made me feel safe. Resting my head back onto my pillow my eyes closed almost instantly, I fell into a much-needed deep sleep.


You are all  TRULY AMAZING! Waking up to see so many votes and comments had me smiling like a mad one :D I was completely speechless lol and believe me that is one massive achievement lmao

It seems that most of you want Chase to Mate with her.

However,  there were some of you that still have faith in Caleb, which I have to admit I was shocked but also pleased by :)

 Do you think that the evil one will leave her alone now with Caleb and Chase by her side or do you think he is going to push harder to mate her before they do?

I hope you’re all enjoying!

Oh one last thing I will be uploading a.s.a.p. but I can’t promise when because I am going to be snowed under for the next couple of days. However, I  will promise you this, every chance I get I will write  ;)

All my love Mel x

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