Chapter Thirteen

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Desperately Seeking My Mate          

Chapter Thirteen       

After Richard, witnessing what exactly was going on first handed. He decided he couldn’t hold it off any longer and called my parents. He told me they both wanted to come and see me. However, they had some problems within the pack and couldn’t leave. I knew it must have been bad because that was one thing about my parents. That no matter how busy they were as long as the pack wasn’t in any severe danger they would be there for me. I didn’t worry though, because we had a strong pack and was a larger then most packs in the area.

After what felt like days of excruciating pain of the doctor breaking and resetting every bone that could be reset, Marissa came in to cover me up. Chase and the rest of the boys stayed in their wolf forms as they continued to guard me. Which I really appreciated but their was know use as they couldn’t stop him before so do they expect to now, I thought to myself.

 Even through the pain, the only thing I could think of was going to happen at midnight tonight. Overhearing a conversation Richard had with a few of the fighters of the pack, while the doctor was looking after me. Didn’t help either.  To say I was horrified was an understatement. Richard knew as well as I did that if I didn’t find my mate by midnight, that the evil rogues would not only take over all of our kind but also clear the world of all humans. However, my main concern was what they had planed out for me. As they had told me a numerous of times, they were going to rape me and then mate me.

Shudders of fear and disgust ran down my spine just thinking of what could happen to me in only a few hours. “Shush Jasmine it’s going to be alright sweetheart. We have every Alpha around the world now helping us. They have already ordered all their UN-mated sons to come here and are on their way now as we speak. You need to have faith in the gods Jasmine so you can stay strong.”

Richards’s words were not only soothing but he gave me a mixture of power and strength that was flowing through every part of me. My body began to heat up to the stage that I actually felt as if I was on fire. Hearing the gasps and growls around the room, I opened my eyes.  Shocked at seeing myself floating in thin air, I began to panic. My entire body at that moment began to glow a bright fiery red. As if, Richard noticed my panicked state. “Jasmine even though you might not realise it yet, your inner wolf has just accepted what the gods have destined for you and your wolf. Don’t fight them child, this will be the only way you will survive. Let them take control of you, relax and let them take over your body.” His words didn’t scare me nor did the fact that I was floating in thin air. It’s hard to explain in words how I felt, but one thing was for sure, what ever it was, it felt exhilarating.

Right in front of me the most beautiful young woman I had ever seen appeared. I could feel the purity, power and warmth within her. It gave off that warming loving feeling that only a mother holds. “Jasmine please don’t be frightened. I am the goddess, mother of all nature and werewolves.  You my child are my chosen one. You are the one who will bring peace and purity back to our kind. Nonetheless, I know this will not be easy and I am asking a lot of you. Nevertheless, you are strong young and pure and I will always be with you every step of the way guiding and helping you. Your job as the chosen one is to cleanse and take out all the evil within our kind. Now child just relax your body and let the power of the elements flow through you. We the gods will do the rest. Jasmine do you trust in us?” She asked in the most soothing angelic voice. “Yes.” I replied with no hesitation at all. I knew I should have probably been freaking out, something, anything but, it felt so right, normal even. “Now Jasmine just let go of everything and let me take full control over your body. Don’t be scared child you’re in good hands.” I didn’t reply as I felt my body come alive spiritually.  

My body tingled as it floated higher in the air. Hearing gasps and awe’s throughout the room had me smiling. Then all of a sudden, it felt as if all of my blood drained from my entire body leaving me freezing. Not just cold, I mean ice cold. The colder I got I could see the glowing red that surrounded my body turn to yellow. A yellow so pure and bright I couldn’t stop looking down at my myself. I knew that was the element of air taken over me.

Drifting away as I admired the glow of my body, I began spinning in elegant circles.  My body jolted as a strong force surrounded me making my body spin faster and faster a white glow surrounded me. My arms rose up towards the ceiling giving me what felt like an outer body experience. Tingles shot from my toes all the way up to my fingertips.

Strong pleasurable tingles built up until I felt as if my fingers tips were going to explode. Lighting bolts flew out of my fingertips as a cool breeze circled around me. Feeling stunned as well as amazed I watched excitedly as my body took on so many changes.

My body glowed up and with every change in colour came a different feeling. Like when I glowed red, I felt hot and fiery. White I felt so much power and strength that I felt invincible, blue was calming just like the ocean. Yellow a cool breeze blew over my body alluring me in, green I felt free as a bird. Feeling my body come to a stand still, I felt my body lower to the ground gently. “My darling child Jasmine, you now have the power of the gods within you, use them wisely child and never abuse the powers of the gods.”  Before I could even thank her or even ask the questions that were now going through my head she had vanished. However, I could still feel her presence surrounding me.

Taking in a deep breath, I opened my eyes to see the whole pack in the room down on their knees bowing as if I was a queen. Without realising, I left out a giggle.

“Thank you all for showing your respect. I am honoured to be the chosen one by the gods, to respect and protect you all. Please raise your heads and thank the gods for bringing this power to us for the protection and safety of our entire kingdom. From here on in I will honour and obey the gods and with you by my side we shall exile all evil within us.” The silence broke as everyone in the room stood up and cheered and applauded.

After talking to Richard alone, we had selected out a few of his best fighters to accompany me tonight as well as all the next in line Alpha’s that were on there way. I held no fear at all, as the power I felt within me, I believed we could do this.

Desperately Seeking My Mate (Watty Awards 2013 completed)Where stories live. Discover now