Chapter Seven

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Desperately Seeking My Mate

Chapter Seven

After a couple of hours, my flight was preparing to land. I started getting a little anxious, as I didn’t know one person in the Red moon pack. Although my father did tell me our packs were, very similar that didn’t make me feel any better.  Dad knew the Alpha Red really well. As they’ve been good friends for years. However, knowing my father, he more than likely sent me here first because he could keep a closer eye on me. I thought to myself laughing at how protective he still was of me.

Exiting the plane, I was becoming more and more anxious with every step closer I got towards the main terminal. Once I collected my suitcase, I started walking towards the exit of the airport. My heart rate started to speed up. My hands were all clammy with sweat, making my hand loose grip of the handle of my suitcase. I was even feeling sick with nerves. I wasn’t usually the nervous type but right now, I was a complete wreck. I wasn’t sure because I was walking into the unknown, or if it was the possibility of meeting my mate but what ever it was I needed to calm down.

 My dad had informed me that the Alpha himself was coming to meet me. This in all honesty only caused me to feel even more anxious. As Alpha’s very rarely leaves their pack land, well unless it’s on official business that is.

Just as I turned the corner, I noticed I was in the main arrivals terminal; it was packed with so many people. Picking up the scent of a wolf or should I say wolves, yes I know I’m not a wolf yet. Nonetheless, I could sniff out simple things, such as wolves and humans.

I anxiously kept walking towards the exit where I then spotted a name-board with my name on it. Looking up I saw a middle-aged man with a massive group of kids my aged and younger standing behind him.  Oh, god say if they all hate me or better still that one of them is my mate? I quickly looked over them all to see if I could sense or smell anything that would stand out alerting me, that one of them was my mate. However, I knew it would of all been to easy to find my mate this soon. Well with my luck, that is, I said to myself.

Standing in front of the alpha, I went to hold my hand out to introduce myself when he wrapped his arms around me. His warm loving arms felt just as soothing and calming as my fathers did. ”Well you must definitely be Jasmine. You look just like your mother. Beautiful.” He said making me blush. The small petit woman beside him gave him a playful slap making me laugh. As I could tell, she was definitely the Alpha female by the strong aura that surrounded her.  Thankfully my embarrassment was short lived as I felt a small hand wrap around mine pulling me away from the Alpha and Alpha female. “I’ve been so excited to meet you Jasmine. I’m Roxanne. I just know we are going to be best friends. Come on lets get you out of here.” She greeted me excitedly.

Without any further introductions, Roxanne started to drag me towards the big glass rotating doors of the airport. “Come on get her suitcase one of you.” She shouted over her shoulder while waving her hand in the air at them. I couldn’t help but laugh as she continued to drag me ahead of everyone else. As I took a glimpse back at the rest of the group, I saw that every single one of them was laughing as well. Well except one girl. Whom I noticed was giving me the evils but I quickly brushed that off. As I wasn’t here to make friends or even enemies in her case, I was here in search for my mate.   

The drive was short but very amusing.  Roxanne reminded me of Tara and Tammy so much. I knew right then, that I was going to be all right. “Ok everyone out.”  Alpha (Richard) called. I had managed to learn a lot on the ride and the funny thing was that the girl who gave me the evils was the alpha’s son supplier. Well for all his personal needs if you get what I mean. Therefore, I guess she knew why I was here and was worrying I was going to steal him away from her. However, I don’t think she has anything to worry about but then again I haven’t met him yet. Ha, I wonder if I should pretend that he is my mate, just to get at her. I thought to myself laughing.

Roxanne nudged me snapping me out of my inner thoughts. “I’m moving.”  I said as I got out of the car. There were so many different scents but none seemed to stick out although there were some nice ones.

Walking towards the pack house, I could feel so many eyes burning into me. That I kept my head down and left Roxanne drags me along. Entering the house my mouth hung open as I took in my surroundings. Our pack house was big but god this place was humongous. The foyer didn’t take long to fill with the pack as they all came to welcome me. Thankfully, though I think Richard knew it was all getting to be too much for me and shooed them all out. However, he did reassure them all that we would be all formally introduced later tonight at the pack meeting. Which although I was grateful to escape the introductions now, I knew I was in for one hell of a long night.

The next couple of hours they left me to settle myself into my room. Well everyone but Roxanne, that is. However, she was so nice that I didn’t mind. She had told me all about her brother. Personally I must admit if he any like she describes. Then I think I’m going to be doing a lot of drooling tonight. Ha-ha. She even told me that he was hoping I was his mate! Me too, I thought to myself. I was pleased to find out that he wasn’t like the players back home as he does sound like a genuinely sweet and nice person.

The pack meeting was only an hour away now and my nerves were starting to get the better of me. If it wasn’t for Roxanne, I think I would have hidden myself in my room all night. I had already picked out what I was going to wear. I picked my favourite black skinny jeans and a bright blue tank top, which I was told no end of times how the colour of my top made my eyes stand out.

 I wasn’t sure how formal it was going to be. Nevertheless, Roxanne assured me that no one would be dressed up and what I had picked out would be perfect. After debating whether to wear my hair up or down I decided to leave it down. However, I did put a few curls here and there just to make a good first impression. Roxanne did my make up and as she promised, she only applied some eyeliner mascara and lip-gloss.

 Roxanne was the image of her mother. She had long blonde hair, bright green eyes and a figure that any girl would die for. While me on the other hand just looked like any normal girl, not that I was complaining.   

“Roxanne, Jasmine come on everyone is going to be waiting.” Marissa (the Alpha female) shouted out. “Coming” We both, replied.

On our way to the clearing, I picked up a strong sent. It was sweet but with a bitter edging to it. The strong scent had all my entire insides going crazy with excitement. Nevertheless, I was feeling nervous as well. I didn’t want to get my hopes up. As I’ve heard of this happening before and it doesn’t mean it is definitely your mate. However, right now I didn’t want to believe that. As I was way too much on a high to let, my thoughts pull me down now.

Lol well what do you all think? Is it her mate or just some random person who smells yummy?

I know there wasn’t a lot of action in this chapter but I promise I’m getting there :)

Much ~<3 Mel x

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