Chapter ~Twenty~nine

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Chapter ~Twenty~nine

Chase’s Pov

 With me lying on one side and my mum on the other of Caleb’s lifeless body, I silently started praying. I was practically begging the gods not to take Caleb away from us.

Feeling him drifting further and further away from me was scaring the hell out of me. Even though deep down in my heart I knew he was dying, I didn’t want to give up I couldn’t give up.

That was the only bad thing about being a twin, I near enough always felt what he was feeling and vice versa. God if I had known what he has been going through “fuck” I wouldn’t have acted the way I did. Thinking of all the shit, I gave him over the years made me want to take it all back.

 Knowing there was no way of physically taking it back, hurt so much.

“Chase, I can’t fight…any...more.” His voice broke off as his chest raised and fell as he took in what I knew was his last breath. Not been able to accept what was happening I began pleading with him. “Caleb NO! CALEB PLEASE BREATHE, GOD DAMN YOU BROTHER!

 B R E A T H!” I screamed through my heart wrenching sobs.

The room fell silent, the only people I could see was mum and dad. Hearing the cries of my mum and dad was killing me. 

Numbness took over my entire body as I felt my brother’s body leaving mine. Crying hysterically the numbness I felt turned to a hollow emptiness. He was gone, my twin brother, my only brother had left me. “Caleb I Love you. Please I know you’re gone, but please if there is anyway you can come back to me please try. fight Oh god Caleb please do whatever you can. I don’t think I can go on without you. Caleb please I know I have never been the best brother but god I love you more than anyone in this entire world. Please Caleb, please don’t leave me, I can’t be without you. CALEB PLEASE.” I cried out, desperate for him to hear me.

It hurt; it hurt so bloody much, I couldn’t take it. Seeing his face so blank of expression and his lifeless body, made me feel as if I was dying myself.

I couldn’t take it anymore I had to get out of here. Leaning down I kissed my brother on his forehead, before taking one last look at his face making sure I would never forget him. There was one difference between us that know one knew of, only Caleb and me. He had a tiny freckle by his hairline it was so small you would’ve never notice it was there but we did.

I gave a small smile as I remembered the day we both studied our bodies for anything to tell us apart. We had laughed and even drew things on our bodies that day so we could be different. My heart broke into smithereens as the thought of never hearing him laugh or even seeing his smile again. Kissing him one last time I got up and went to leave the room. However, seeing Jasmine just sitting up looking at Caleb turned all my sadden emotions into hatred.

 Anger bolted through me like the speed of light. The thought of her been able to sit there and not my brother made me hate her so much. God it even made me want to kill her. It was all her fault after all. If she hadn’t of come here in the first place then none of this shit would’ve happened.

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