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Sadly this is the end :( However, I have more stories uploading every week :) 

Thank you all so much foe everything! Your support for my stories is truly amazing. If it wasnt for your support I dont think i would of got to where i am today and for that i will always be grateful.

All my love hugs and apperiecation goes out to each and everyone of you

Mel x

P.S let this story go out with a bang and vote your little fingers off lol



Wakening up, I noticed I was no longer in the woods. Recognising the room as the packs doctors place eased my anxious mind. Then thinking of my pup I started to panic. Pulling the sheets back slowly I was ecstatic to see my larger swollen baby bump. Seeing it still swollen and bigger than ever shocked me, I never thought that my stomach could stretch that much.

“Oh thank you god, thank you.” Hearing Caleb whispering repeatedly put the biggest smile on my face.

Turning my head to the side what I saw tore my heart. Kneeling on the floor crying was Caleb; he looked as if he hadn’t slept in day’s even weeks. His normally strong structure looked weak as if he hadn’t eaten either. Looking up at me our eyes locked. It scared me seeing Caleb looking so drawn. “Caleb how long have I been asleep?” I asked, because I knew it wasn’t a day or two because by the look of my baby bump I knew it had been at least a couple of weeks. As there is, know way on earth that I could’ve got this big over night. He tried standing up but he was so weak that it looked as if he was having trouble even standing.

Taking a seat beside me on the bed, he took me in his arms and hugged me crying hysterically. My heart broke at seeing my strong powerful mate crumbling right before me. I had done this, it’s my entire fault. Caleb’s head shot up, as he looked me straight in the eye. “NO, this is not your fault Jasmine!” his voice was rough and husky but just hearing him brought tears to my eyes. “I love you Caleb so much.” “I love you too Jasmine.” He replied as we both hugged each other.

After a good few hours of us catching up, I had finally managed to find out that I had been put in a self-induced coma for weeks now. Shocked could not explain how I had felt at that moment. Then hearing the reasons why they kept me in a coma made my heart melt. 

Caleb knew that our pup meant the world to me and if anything had happened to our pup, it would have killed me. That’s why he fought with the doctor as well as everyone else. Because the baby was in distress and it would have been too early for me to go into labour at that time. I was too injured and weak for the baby to survive. He explained that by them putting me in a coma it not only helped me heal, but also gave our baby a better fighting chance. Stroking my hand over my swollen stomach Caleb placed his on top. “I thought I lost you, both of you.” He said just above a whisper. His eyes not only held sadness but also so much love.  None of us said another word as I crashed my lips against his.

One year later

My mum and dad lived in the far side of the castle now. As both Caleb and I thought it would be better to keep them near us so we could keep and eye on them. We don’t see them much but we do go to visit them from time to time as they were not allowed to enter our side of the castle. I knew it was a bit harsh me treating my own parents this way but honestly I could never trust them again especially now with my babies. It's awful to see the way my dad is now, however, I don’t for one second regret what I had done. Because in all reality  he would’ve killed me and Melissa that night with out a doubt.

Caleb and I were back in our castle baby as well. Caprice our little baby girl was born strong and healthy and looked the mirror image of me.

It has took a long time for us to get to this point in our lives, but all that is in the past now as our lives now we couldn’t be happier.

 We have been working on the castle as well as sorting out packs around the states. Caleb hasn’t left the castle since the day we got back. If anyone needed to see us, he made them come to us. Which I have to say I didn’t mind because being away from Caleb for just one day would've killed me.

So much had happened to us over the last year and a half. However, sitting here now snuggled up on the couch with my mate the king and our little princess was just amazing. No words could explain the happiness I was feeling right at this moment.

 In Caleb’s arms, our princess slept peacefully against his chest. Placing my hand on my big swollen baby bump that holds our new unborn pup brought a tear to my eye. This is what I had always wanted, well dreamed of. A family of my own, and most importantly a mate who not only loves me, but also adores me. I’ve been blessed to be given a mate so perfect and for that, I thank the gods every wakening day.

The End.

Desperately Seeking My Mate (Watty Awards 2013 completed)Where stories live. Discover now