Chapter Thirty~eight

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 Chapter Thirty~eight

Jasmine’s Pov

The awkward silence carried on all throughout breakfast. I wanted nothing more than to get up and run. However, with the tension in the room so high, I fought against it. Marissa kept trying to lighten the mood bless her. 

After breakfast finished, everyone left the kitchen, well except for Roxanne Marissa and me that is.

 I started loading the dishwasher trying to get my mind off Caleb and Chase. As well as whatever it was that Marissa wanted to talk to us about.

After about another twenty minutes of uncomfortable silence Marissa took a seat instructing us to do the same. My already anxious state intensified by a million as I took a seat next to her. Roxanne took a seat the other side of me and held my shaky hand in hers. As I turned to look at her I could see she was in the same state as me. I gave her hand a quick squeeze trying to ease her a bit.  Marissa stared at us both for what felt like eternity before she spoke. “There is no easy way for me to say this so I’m just going to give it to you both straight.” She said nervously.

The amount of sadness and worry clear on her face, Made my insides turn and my heart slow. I wanted to hug her, comfort her anything. however, I knew she was struggling enough and I didn’t want to make it any harder for her. Grabbing her hand with my free one, I gave it a light squeeze. Seeing the tears in her eyes made bile rise in my mouth, I knew by the pitiful look she gave me that this was all about me.

 I swallowed the bile in my mouth and looked at her. “Marissa please just tell us?” I asked well almost begged because right now not knowing was making me so anxious. She nodded as she cleared her throat. She turned her head as she stared out of the window. “Roxanne we have to leave.” I felt Roxanne stiffen beside me. “Mum…” Marissa held her hand up and faced us tears were now streaming down her face. I couldn’t hold mine in any longer either as I left my tears overflow. “We leave in an hour, your dad has told me it is unsafe for us to stay here any longer. However he has reassured me the minute he has sorted it out we can come straight home.” She then turned from a hysterically crying Roxanne to face me. “Richard wants you to stay here.” my blood ran cold as her words sunk in. Just the thought of being here alone, well not completely alone but without Roxanne and Marissa here was enough for me to completely break down. “Please Marissa please don’t leave me. You cannot leave me here alone. Chase is avoiding me! Caleb hates me. Please I have no one I need you two here please!” I poured my heart out, pleading through my sobs. Marissa took me into her arms and hugged me; as good as, it felt it hurt. As I knew the way she hugged me it was her way of saying goodbye. “I love you like my own daughter Jasmine and it kills me  to leave you, but I don’t have a choice in the matter.” She said through her heartbreaking sobs. I wanted to scream at her, tell her she was wrong, and tell her she did have a choice. However, I stopped myself from wording my thoughts, as I knew there was only one person who she could not refuse. “Richard”.

Even though I knew I wouldn’t be able to change her mind, It didn’t mean I wasn’t going to try.  “Please…. I need you I have no one, no one who loves me, no one who cares for me like you do. Please Marissa?” I pleaded again. Marissa stumbled up on her slightly shaking legs, she then placed a kiss on my forehead before leaving the room. I could feel Roxanne shaking beside me, but as much as I wanted to hug her and tell her everything would be all right I couldn’t.

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