Chapter Twenty-two

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 Hey my lovely's ;)

I am going away in the morning for a couple of days. So my next upload will be Tuesday if not Wednesday the latest :) However, I have made this chapter a little longer ;)

Happy reading!

Chapter Twenty-two

Waking up from my blissful sleep, I felt so happy and full of life. It was the first good night sleep I’ve had it what felt like years. No nightmares haunting me, nothing, I felt amazing. Seeing Paul  asleep in the chair beside me put a bigger smile on my face. He was snoring so loudly I couldn’t believe that I had slept through it.

Jumping out of bed, I went to take a nice long hot shower. Humming to myself, I let the hot jets of water run down my body.  I felt so happy I couldn’t stop giggling. It was like I was drunk or even high. Even the heavy feeling that I’ve been carrying around for weeks now, had completely gone.  My mind was clear from the on going questions that have been driving me crazy since I got here. There was absolutely nothing and I loved it.

Once I was dressed, I ran down stairs for some much needed food. Reaching the kitchen the smell of cooking engulfed me just as my stomach began to growl. Hearing someone chuckling, I lowered my head as my cheeks heated up in pure embarrassment. “You look so cute when you blush.” Damn you Chase I said mentally whilst slapping him playfully. My cheeks flamed up even more as my hand hit his solid bare chest. I hadn’t realised he was half-naked and feeling his chest against my hand had me wanting to feel more of him. Shaking my head clearing it from my lustful thoughts I  walked over to the table.

Sitting myself down a plate of food was placed in front of me. As I gazed up, my eyes locked with Caleb’s. I was awestruck, not only by my mate cooking for me but by the bright sparkle his eyes held. I had never seen this side of Caleb and although I knew deep down I should hate him I couldn’t. The  bond between us was so  powerful it was scary but in a nice kind of way. The amount of love that sparkled in his eyes had me wanting to kiss and taste every inch of him.  Then Chase ran his  hand up and down my thigh breaking me from my fantasy moment with Caleb. I felt like punching him, but when I saw his sad little face, I couldn’t help but feel bad. Quickly giving him an apologetic smile, I was happy he gave me a small smile in return.

 It didn’t reach his eyes though, I had hurt him and although I shouldn’t feel bad for having dirty  thoughts about my mate, I did. Argh what is wrong with me, I thought to myself getting frustrated by my mixed feelings I had for them.

“Eat up munchkins your going to need your energy.” Caleb said while wiggling his eyebrows. I could feel my cheeks starting to blush again. God what is it with these boys making me blush.  Trying to calm my flaming cheeks down I tucked into my food. I couldn’t help the moan that escaped my lips, as it tasted amazing. Caleb had cooked me steak in some sort of creamy sauce that just melted in you’re mouth. “WOW Caleb this tastes so good.” I told him honestly before shoving another piece into my mouth. Hearing both of them chuckling was the  sweetest sound you could ever hear in your life. “Well at least I’m good at one thing then.” He replied smiling. However, the sorrow and hurt behind his words not only sent a stabbing pain to my heart but also made me think that he was hiding something from me. Knowing that now wasn’t  the time or place to ask him. I mentally made a note to ask him the minute we were alone.

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