Chapter ~Thirty

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Hey all, I’ve missed you all so much,  I really hope you all enjoy this chapter  :)

Also I would like to welcome all my new followers and readers. Thank you all so much for all of your support and the comments. OMG I was gob smacked. All I can say is WOW you are all amazing seriously. It just puts the biggest smile on my face every time I read one of your comments or even see a new follower as well as the outstanding votes.  I owe so much to you all for taking the time in supporting me. From the bottom of my heart thank you all so much!

All my <3 Mel x

Quick note I have put some of the last chapter up so it will help you remember from where we left off :)

Chapter Thirty

 “Oh goddess really is there still a chance we can save him?” I asked excitement and hope clear in my voice. “Yes but it isn’t going to be easy Jasmine. It will all depend on you.” “ME?” I asked panicking.  “Yes, you have to kill the evil one.” She held her hand up stopping me from saying anything. My blood ran cold at the thought of Caleb’s life in my hands. Feeling petrified I took in a deep breath because even with my brain completely fucked up, I knew one thing and that was I would do absolutely anything to get Caleb back even if it meant in the result of losing my life. “Just tell me how, I mean just tell me what I‘ve got to do. I’ll do what ever it takes please goddess tell me.” she stared at me intensely for a few moments before I could see the corners of her mouth lifting up as she smiled.

The proud look on her face made me feel alive. All the strength and courage I held before Caleb died returned to me at full force, this was it. I had twenty-four hours to kill the evil one and by god, I am going to make him have one painful but maybe not a slow death as the quicker I kill him the more chance I will have of my one true love returning to me.

The goddess called Paul as well as the other elders aside. As she spoke to them I zoned out, to say I was terrified was an understatement. Just thinking of what I had to do had me shaking with fear. However, knowing how much I owed this pack for saving not only my life once but also a number of times. As well as the way, they had all stuck by me even though it was my entire fault that Caleb was dead in the first place.

 My heart began beating so fast at the thought of what was ahead of me. Nevertheless, thinking I still had a chance of saving Caleb kept me going.

“Jasmine child it’s time.” I heard Paul’s broken hearted voice say. My body began shaking so bad that I couldn’t even manage to get myself off of the bed. Paul and Richard came either side of me and helped me up on to my feet. They held onto me until I managed to steady myself. “Jasmine please bring my son back to me.” Richard asked well almost pleaded. The amount of pain and sorrow that showed in his eyes made me look away.  I couldn’t take the pain he was feeling anymore. I was feeling enough pain of my own and seeing him like that just had me wanting to kill myself. 

Just before the goddess and I left for the evil ones land, I approached Paul and the elders. “Please pray for me. Pray that I can succeed in bringing down the evil one.” I pleaded to them. Then I turned so I was looking straight at Paul. Taking in a deep shaky breath, I asked. “Paul I need you to promise me something?” his eyebrow rose as he looked at me nervously. “Please Paul you are the only one I can fully trust to do what I am about to ask of you?” even though he looked unsure he nodded his head for me to go on.  “If I don’t return please send everyone out to kill not only the evil one but me as well.” His face went white as he was about to refuse but I held my hand up to cut him off. “Paul I cannot rule for the evil one or even be mated to him. Paul please I know what I am asking of you is a lot but please I need you to promise me that you will kill me yourself.” He looked so torn that I said the only thing I could think of. “Paul if you love me then you will understand why I am asking so much of you.” The room fell silent and everyone’s eyes where now on Paul. “Jasmine I do love you as my own but what you are asking me…” he broke off as he ran his hands nervously through his silver grey hair.

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