Chapter One

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Desperately Seeking My Mate

Chapter One

Have you ever had a feeling that today was going to be the best day of your life? Well that is how I’m feeling right now. I know it’s probably because it’s my birthday. Nevertheless, this is not like any other birthday, today I’m going to turn sixteen. This means I might at long last find my mate. Yes, you heard me right. My name is Jasmine and I’m a werewolf.

 I have been dreaming about this day since I reached puberty. As my parents the Alpha and Alpha female of The Yellow-moon Pack, have told me so many stories about finding my soul mate,And in all honesty, I wanted that love. I wanted to feel all the things they felt for each other, which is why I’m so excited. I have fancied this boy called Jackson for years now and I’m so hoping it’s going to be him. As I knew, I didn’t stand a chance with him before now as he is the most popular boy at our school.

 Hearing a car pulling into my drive way I knew it was time to go. As like every other morning, my best friends Tara and Tammy were here to give me a ride to school.  As I approached the car, they both started squealing with excitement. ”Happy birthday.” They both greeted. These were the only two that had known about my feelings for Jackson. “Oh my god Jasmine, This is it, I can’t believe we will finally find out if Jackson is the one. What are you going to do if he is?” Tara asked her voice squeaking with pure excitement. “Hmm I’m going to kiss him and touch him and run away with him and do the deed.” I said laughing my head off. “What if he rejects you?” Tammy asked in all seriousness. “Damn I hadn’t thought of that.” I said, all my laughter gone. What if he does reject me? I shuddered at the thought. However, if it’s like any of the stories my mum had told me, rejection was very rare. As she would put it. “It is beyond nature to reject a mate. Well unless your mate had gone rogue before you had a chance find each other. Which if that is the case then you will be able to mate with someone else but it wouldn’t feel the same.

The rest of the ride went by in silence, as the three of us were deep within our own thoughts. Feeling the car stop, I placed a hand on each of their shoulders as I leaned in between their seats. “Please no matter what happens today just promise me you will be there for me?” I asked them both nervously. “Jasmine we will always have your back.” They both replied.

 As I went to step out of the car, Tammy grabbed hold of my arm. “Jasmine. I don’t know what made me ask you that question. Girl you are going to be fine and I’m so sorry.” She said while hugging me. Although I knew, she meant no harm by it. The damage was already done, not that I was going to tell her that. All my excitement from earlier was now gone. Only to be replaced by worry and loads of questions about rejection.

Anxiously I followed Tara and Tammy through the main entrance of our school. Our high school St. Augustine’s is a werewolf only school. As apparently, it was too risky for us to attend a public high school. As if any human was to find out about us, it would cause war between the humans and us were’s. As my mum and dad has warned me to no end.

As we reached our lockers, I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder. “Happy birthday sis. Found your mate yet?” My older brother Leon asked jokingly. While teasingly wiggling his eyebrows. He hadn’t found his mate yet, but although we looked alike on the outside, with our dark brown hair and blue eyes. We were nothing alike in the inside. As he loved to play the field so to speak. Where me on the other hand, was a romantic freak as my friends would call it. But me I would call it waiting for my prince charming to come along. Giving him a playful slap, “Hmm Thanks and no I haven’t.” I replied giggling. The bell rang signalling we had to get to class. Placing a quick kiss on my forehead. “You will.” He whispered. Before he left with his crew, as he called them.

Entering our homeroom, Tammy and Tara were by my side. Keeping my head down, I stayed close between the two of them.  Jackson was in my homeroom and as much as I wanted to find out if, he was my mate. My stupid nerves were getting the best of me.  Tammy’s earlier; statement didn’t help either. As it has left me feeling anxious as hell.  And what made it worse, was the whispers that were circling around the classroom.

Just because I was the Alpha’s daughter, it always seemed to put me in the limelight, as well as everyone knowing my business. Although I loved, that it was my birthday I didn’t like the whole pack knowing. Even though I wasn’t next in line to become Alpha female, it brought families great pride for their son’s or daughters to be mated within the Alphas bloodline.

Making my way over to my usual seat, I felt all their eyes on me. Keeping my head down, I managed to avoid all eye contact. Thankfully, it wasn’t long before the teacher walked in making everyone go silent. Feeling all their eyes shifting away from me and towards the teacher. I left out a big breathe that I didn’t even realize I was holding in, in the first place. “Psst.” I looked over at Tammy, knowing damn well it was her. “What? “ I mouthed so the teacher wouldn’t hear me. As that was the only downside about going to a school filled with werewolves. As even the teachers were werewolves. So there was no way on earth, you could escape their heightened senses.

 Tammy threw a scrunched up piece of paper hitting me straight in the head. Opening it up, I started to read the message. “What the hell is up with you? You’re not going to find your mate with your head stuck between your legs.” Yeah right, God I don’t even know if I want to find my mate, I said to myself. Then before I could reply to Tammy the bell rang, signalling homeroom time was over. Well at least I managed to keep everyone’s attention off me until the end of class. I thought to myself.


<3 Mel x

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