Chapter Twenty~eight

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Mel xx

Chapter Twenty-eight

Chase’s Pov

Wakening up on my dad’s leather sofa my head was pounding. Feeling dazed as well as lightheaded flash backs of before I blacked out, came flooding back. With panic and fear for Jasmine and Caleb’s life I Leaped up onto my feet so fast that I nearly collapsed as my legs gave way beneath me. Thank god, my reactions were still fast though, as I managed to get myself back onto the sofa before hitting the floor.

After many failed attempts, I finally managed to stand. Moving as fast as my wobbly legs would take me. I made it to Jasmines bedroom door where my granddad and some of the elder’s bodies were lying out cold on the floor. My heart sped up as I began to fear the worst. Clutching hold of the door handle for dear life I slowly began to turn it. I was petrified of what I was about to see. To say I was scared was an understatement.  If anything has happened to Jasmine or Caleb, it would be my fault, my entire bloody fault. I screamed at myself. Hearing movement coming from behind me, I froze with my hand still clutching hold of the door. “Chase is that you?” I left out a big breath as I heard my granddads familiar voice. Turning around I looked at him. I had never felt so guilty as I did right then. He looked as if he had aged by at least a hundred years over night. Bending down, so I could help my granddad up. “I’m so sorry granddad. God I’m so sorry. This is my entire entire fault! I apologized repeatedly hoping he would forgive me. Not that I would blame him if he didn’t. Hell I don’t know if I will ever forgive myself for believing that damn rogue. Shit, I gave her full excess to the pack house. she could have wiped the whole pack out. Fuck I’m no Alpha I wasn’t ever meant to be one! I cried to myself.

“Hey Chase It’s going to be ok son. Come on help me up we need to check on Caleb and Jasmine.” I had forgotten all about them for a split second as I went into a rant of my own. Helping my granddad up onto his feet, we both closed the distance between us and the door to Jasmine’s bedroom. Nervously I placed my hand back onto the handle and turned it. As the door opened my blood ran cold there standing over them was the bitch who claimed I was her mate. Bile rose in my mouth as seeing her standing there naked with a big evil grin on her face. I couldn’t stop my wolf as anger and pure raged flooded through me. Charging towards her, I dug my teeth into her neck and tossed her back and forth. Shaking my head as fast as I could from side to side, my teeth sunk deep into her flesh. As soon as I felt the vein in her neck pulsing hard against the walls of my mouth I bit down to finish her off. Blood flowed into my mouth freely letting me know I had succeeded. Throwing her lifeless body onto the floor, I changed back into my human form. My vision was still red with anger as I looked down on my twin brothers and Jasmines body.

 Seeing Jasmine had been marked made me feel a little relieved. but then seeing that someone had bit and marked Caleb made my blood run cold. I had never seen this ever, and seeing my granddad’s worried and confused expression, I knew he hadn’t either. Bending down I began to shake them as I tried to wake them up. I knew they were alive as I could see their chests moving up and down. However, no matter how hard I shook them they weren’t waking up. “It’s the drug” I heard my granddad say. Whipping my head around so I could face him “What do you mean drug?” my granddad left a big breath out and before he replied. the room became full with all the elders along with most of the pack. They all looked totally out of it, I knew I wasn’t going to like what I was about to hear. “It’s the same drug they used on all of us but for Caleb it will be “Then he stopped. “Granddad!” I shouted for him to carry on. Then as he looked up, I could see the tears streaming down his cheeks. “For Caleb it’s more deadly.” He said before he completely broke down. I wanted to shake him to tell me what he meant by “but for Caleb”.  Before any words had, a chance to leave my mouth one of the elders came and sat beside me. “Chase there is allot you don’t know. Nevertheless, now is not the time to fill you in. Now son help me get them up onto the bed, so we can see if we can help them.” Even though I wanted to know, what the hell they were going on about I kept my mouth shut. As all I wanted right now was for Jasmine and Caleb to be alright.

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