Chapter Seventeen

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Hey, my lovely’s :) I just want to say a massive thank you to you all for the amount of comments and votes you have given me!!! I was so excited seeing them all that I have dropped everything this morning so I could write this chapter for you. You have all really encouraged me so much and for that, I am truly grateful.

To all my new fans and readers, welcome to our lil family I hope you will all comment and chat with us all, as you will see that my fans are the nicest people you could ever meet!  ;)

All my love and appreciation Mel x

Chapter Seventeen

Now that I was actually here, I anxiously circled the clearing trying to keep all my previous experiences I had here, out of my head. I couldn’t let myself fall to pieces not now. Knowing what I had to do, and what was at risk I kept reassuring myself that I could do this.

It was so dark that I couldn’t even make out what was right in front of me. The dark clouds blocked out all the light of the moon, leaving me blind. My heart was pumping so hard against my chest; I kept having to take slow deep breaths to calm myself down.  I knew they were watching me I could sense them. Nevertheless, I knew they were just waiting for me to let my guard down. As petrified as I was, there was no way on earth I was willing to show them my weakness. As I knew the evil, one in my nightmares fed on my weakness. Knowing I wouldn’t be able to keep this false pretence up much longer, I started to make a plan.

 Getting frustrated and tempered by waiting for him to show himself as well as not been able to come up with a plan I began shouting. “I know you’re there come on show your self you piece of crap.”   Taking a few steps forward and hearing the crispy leaves crunching beneath my feet I began shitting myself. 

Waiting anxiously for him to appear I couldn’t stop my body from shivering. However, it wasn’t from the cold it was this place it was so creepy. every step I  took I kept feeling like someone was watching me. Which I knew they were, but I couldn’t see them. hearing what sounded like a branch snapping behind me I spun around but as quick as I did I heard another one breaking only this time it was followed by many more. I had lost count after a while, as there was so many of them.  “Aww are you scared,” he teased as he stepped out to show himself.  It was as if the clouds had magically vanished as the light from the moon lit up the entire clearing. Seeing I was completely surrounded my heart stopped as I froze at the sight before me. Seeing the lust in all of their eyes, It was as if all of them wanted a piece of me. ”Aww Jasmine you are a bright one but don’t worry they will have to wait their turn.” He said as if he knew exactly what I was thinking. His dirty laugh sent cold shivers down my spine making me shudder. “Oh don’t act like you don’t want me Jasmine because you know you do.”

Before I could think of a way of escaping or killing them, he was on top of me. “You disgust me, you really think I am going to let you insert your filth in side me, God your more delusional than I thought you where.” I spat out with so much venom I even shocked myself. His lust full eyes glowed a bright red then black, which I knew was his wolf getting angry. Within a blink of an eye, he had ripped my clothes into shreds leaving me pinned to the ground completely naked. The silent clearing erupted with lust full howls of excitement as they all stared down at me hungrily. Scared shitless I began kicking and punching as I tried to break free. However, he just pushed his body harder down on me as four of his men came and crouched down beside us. One took one ankle while another held down my other, the other two held down my arms leaving me completely trapped. Once they all had a strong hold on me, he stood up and slowly stripped himself down. As he slowly took, his boxers off his well-excited hardened member scared the hell out of me. I had seen it before even had it in my mouth before but fuck he was massive. “Please don’t, please I beg you, anything but this please.” I pleaded as I cried hysterically. “It’s too late for that Jasmine, I have waited so long for this moment and now you are going to be mine! Well mine but as I’m not a selfish person you will be shared out a little.” He said making everyone surrounding us cheer and laugh. I tried fighting again but it was no use they were too strong. As he bent down on top of me, he began caressing my breasts before he sucked and licked on them roughly. Screaming out in terror, he slapped me hard before kissing me blocking out my screams. “That’s it baby scream I want to hear you scream my name” he said as he left out a moan in my mouth. I went to bite down on his tongue but it was as if he had gotten back in my head again. Because every plan I came up with it was as if he was one step ahead of me every time.

He began rubbing his body up and down on top of mine; his hardened member kept rubbing against my most sensitive spot. I couldn’t help the moan that escaped my mouth. I wanted to slap myself so hard, how could I fecking moan when he disgusts me so much, I scowled myself. Even though I knew it was impossible for Richard or anyone one to hear me I still screamed out hoping somehow they would. He slid down my body until he was kneeling in between my legs. “Spread her wider boys I want to taste her sweetness.” he said aloud. I tried tightening my legs but it was impossible as they had me spread wide open. He went down on me sucking and licking on my most private part. “OH GOD” I moaned out in ecstasy.  My brain was screaming at me to stop him but it felt so good that I needed more. “Jasmine my child you need to call the spirits you cant let this happen please for all of our kind he’s playing with your head Jasmine.” Hearing the Goddess pleading with me had me snapping out of sexual pleasures and had me thinking straight again. Scanning my surroundings for a way of an escape, he continued to lick me. However, this time I was not falling for his dirty manipulating tricks. So disgusted in myself I mentally made a note to kill myself if I ever get out of this alive.

Placing my palms against the ground I called well pleaded for the earth element to help me. The ground shook beneath me making me smile. The shocked look on their faces pleased me as well as strengthened me. “Earth come to me, rescue me, open up and burry the filth that surrounds me.” I kept repeating. The ground opened up; with them distracted, I took my chance and broke free of their hold. “GET HER! DON’T LET HER ESCAPE OR I WILL KILL YOU ALL!” I heard him shout out as I ran. Dodging in and out of the way of the men, I made it to where the earth had opened up. Placing my hands flat on the ground, “Oh spirits of the earth take them now, open for me shake and burry them.” I said aloud as I closed my eyes. As the earth, began violently shaking, I pictured the pack house, feeling the need to get back I asked for the spirits to guide me back.

Floating high into the sky, I felt someone grip onto my feet. Kicking and screaming I tried to push them off. However, with my body going at such a speed through what felt like a black whole I couldn’t move. The force of the wind pushing against my body had me literally paralyzed.  Seeing the pack house my heart slowed down as a rush of adrenalin and hope rushed through my entire body. “RICHARD” I screamed out at the top of my lungs. Seeing everyone running out of the pack house as well as the surrounding woods, staring up at me filled me with so much relief and happiness I kicked down hard. making the evil one-drop down onto the ground. Richard and his men had him surrounded before he could even get up; smiling proudly at myself, I slowly landed beside Richard and Chase. Chase took a quick look over me before engulfing me into a big hug. “Don’t ever go off like that again you understand Me.,” he said angrily but I could hear the fear and worry behind his anger making me smile.

As we circled, the evil one, angered howls where heard from every direction.  Taking a closer look at my surroundings, I couldn’t believe how many werewolves there was. It was as if the whole kingdom of our kind were standing as one. I looked over at Richard shocked but also proud that our kind had come together as one, Instead of the usual splitting of packs. Giving me a warm smile, he nodded for me to follow Marissa who was standing to my side. Without needing to be told twice, I ran over to her. I hugged her tight as she did me, needing her motherly hold right now I broke down hysterically.  Feeling so mentally and physically drained, I didn’t even think of the evil one as I followed Roxanne and Marissa into the pack house.

After telling Marissa everything, I went and took a much-needed shower to scrub his filth off of me. I scrubbed so hard that my skin burned where I had took the skin off. Seeing the water turn red from my blood I collapsed onto the floor, curling myself into a ball as I left the tears of shame disgust and fear overflow.

 I don’t know how long I stayed like that for before the most amazing scent hit me. It was the exact same scent that had drawn me in the night of the pack meeting. Looking up I came face to face with Chase. “What the fuck!” I shouted before I fell into  the blackness.

Well what do you think?

By the way, it’s only the beginning so don’t go thinking you have pieced it all together yet lol

Loves you all Mel x

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