Chapter Forty-six ( Dedicated to all my fans and readers <3 you all Mel x)

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Chapter Forty-six

Just as I apparently broke the circle, surrounding me, Melissa started to scream with excitement and relief.  However, she celebrated a bit too soon. As my dad had copped on to what I had done quicker then I could stop him.

Grapping my paws roughly in his hands, he dragged my body more into the centre. I couldn’t stop myself from screaming. The pain was unbearable. The already opened wounds were scrapping across the gravelled dirt. “Please stop please,” I cried out. My entire body, filled with pain.

“Dad why are you doing this to me, I thought you loved me?” I asked. Watching his face for a reaction shattered me. He showed no love, no symphony, nothing. His expression remained blank. “Dad, please just tell me what you want?” laughing aloud. He just stood there staring at me.

“Isn’t it obvious? I want your powers Jasmine and I have waited long enough for you to get them.  Now I am going to take them from you so I will be so powerful that I will take over the entire werewolf kingdom.  I’ve earned them! Putting up with you, your entire stupid life,”

 My eyes burned, as the tears streamed down my face.  Seeing the pure hatred in his eyes, he might as well as got a knife and stabbed me right through my heart. Because right now he made me, feel so hated alone and worthless. I couldn’t take anymore. I had, had enough of my life and I didn’t want to live it any more.

I couldn’t go on living like this! It had to end. Pain just seemed to be part of my life and I was exhausted. Looking over at Melissa I gave her apologetic look.  Melissa shook her head begging me to not give up. Along with, screaming at me to fight through our link. However, ever since I turned sixteen my life has been nothing but hell! Well except from Caleb that is, but then again he gave me hell as well at the beginning.

 Thinking back from the night of my birthday up until today, had me crying hysterically. My body shook causing more pain to shoot through my side as well as my heart.

Then I thought of my baby, the little life that was growing inside of me. The little bundle of joy I’m meant to love and protect. Instead, here I am feeling all sorry for myself, and being a dam right chicken. I couldn’t give up. If I gave up now I would not be only killing myself, I would be killing our pup as well. “Dam Jasmine get some balls and end all this shit.” I screamed at myself.

With this new inner strength, I knew I didn’t have much time. However, I was going to end this one way or another.

I had just told Melissa my plan, which thankfully she didn’t argue with. There was one thing nobody knew about my powers, well except Melissa and the goddess that is.  I’ve been warned; to never attempt this, unless it was a matter of life or death and seeing I was in that position, right now I had no other option.

Calling all my powers, I knew they couldn’t physically be with me because of the circle. Nevertheless, that didn’t mean they couldn’t be with me at all, as they could still be with me mentally.

With wind, earth, fire and water along with the goddess by my side I was about to do something that know other of our kind has ever done before. Changing from my wolf back into my human form I left my mind focus hard.

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