Chapter Forty-five

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Chapter Forty-five

About an hour had passed by and still Caleb and Chase hadn’t shown their faces. Thinking of the worst, was really starting to take an effect on me.

Crystal is a really nice girl and we really get on great. However, right now, her voice was piercing, right through me.

Trying to keep myself calm and not lashing out on her, I just nodded here and there, while I tried to listen into Caleb’s and Chase’s conversation. I couldn’t hear a thing no matter how hard I tried and believe me I tried. I had even reached to the state where I was going to use my powers. Nevertheless, Caleb and I had mad a promise that I will never use my powers on him unless it was a matter of life and death. Well I guess I can’t blame him because I was bad at ears dropping especially when I shouldn’t have been.

Hey, but what can I say, I love being nosy. Ha ha.

Caleb had blocked our link and even Chase had. I was really starting to get frustrated now. A loud angry growl, roared through the entire house. Chills ran down my spine. This was not good, not good at all. My heart sped up, and Melissa had literally jumped onto my lap.  She was shaking so bad that she was scaring me.  Turning my head around to see where it was coming from, I couldn’t see anything. Although, I could hear growling, as well as the sound of clawing flesh, I still couldn’t see anything. The only one thing, which I could make out, was that something was going off in the hallway.

 Standing up I went to place Melissa on the couch so I could go see what the hell was happening. However, she was hanging on to me like a bloody kola bear. “Please Jasmine don’t leave me here.” the fear in her voice was as clear as day. However, right now she needed to pull herself together!  We really didn’t have time for her being a coward right now.

“Crystal, you are Luna of this pack. Now stop this stupid act and pull yourself together! We need to get out there and help.”

I know I sounded harsh. Nevertheless, she needed to be strong to defend her pack, instead of shaking like a bloody leaf. Mere seconds later and she was running out of the room, like the Alpha Luna she was, with me close on her heels.

Whatever was happening out in the hallway had now moved out into the forest. Knowing dam well, I was going to be killed by Caleb and Chase for coming out here, as well as bringing Melissa along with me. However, right now I didn’t give a shit.

 Dam, I held more power than all of them! I thought angrily to myself. “Jasmine, they are just up ahead.” Crystal shouted as she charged ahead of me going deeper into the woods. God, I must have zoned out! I really needed to stop doing that! I told myself, as I ran as fast as I could to catch up with Melissa.

 Catching up with Crystal, we ran side by side until my entire body froze. My legs gave way, sending me flying along the ground. Rocks, broken branches, along with whatever else was on the ground sliced into my body. Howling out in pain, I could hear Caleb screaming at me through our link. My mind body and soul was as if it was paralyzed. My vision blurred as severe pain throbbed through my side. “JASMINE, HELP ME!” hearing the panic in Melissa’s voice, I fought like hell to open my eyes, only they wouldn’t open. Then hearing another voice that I did recognise, my eyes flew open. There holding Crystal in a deadly grip with a knife held to her throat was no other than my dad’s twin brother. That’s when I heard movement behind me, only I couldn’t move to see who it was. The wind blew, carrying the scent, I knew all too well. It was my dad’s.  Closing my eyes, I desperately tried to call out to Caleb, Chase, and Hell, anyone, to come help us! 

What felt like hours, of my dad breathing down my neck. Along with Crystal's, frantic screams. I finally found the strength to call upon my elements. “Oh dear child do you really think they will work?” looking up at my dad puzzled he left out a deep chuckle. “Oh Jasmine, I’m insulted. Do you really think I would of just come out here and attack you unprepared?” every word he spoke broke my heart piece by piece.

My dad was here, but hell, not to save me but to, god knows what to do me. I kept slipping in and out of consciousness. I could feel the goddess’s presence but there was something preventing her to enter my body. “Jasmine move your front paw out, they have circled your body with some sort of powder. It’s preventing your powers to enter you.” I thanked the gods hearing Melissa’s voice. She sounded strong, even powerful. I tried to move my paw as she had instructed but the pain was too much. It was killing me. Every time I moved it just a bit, I would blackout from the pain.

 Nevertheless, Crystal's desperate voice kept screaming at me through our link. As much as I would’ve loved to tare, her throat out right now, her voice was the only thing keeping me fighting. Her life was in my hands! With all the strength I could monster, I dragged my paw out whilst Melissa, kept screaming how much further I had to go. All the while, she kept looking at my dad screaming, who was now lying right beside. He kept shouting at his brother to “shut her up.”  However, I knew what Crystal was up to, and right this second in time, I was grateful for her great set of lungs. Her distraction was buying me the extra time I needed and by what I could guess, I was very close. Sweat ran down my nuzzle, as I bit down on my tongue moving my paw for what I hoped would be the last time.

OMG Can you believe her dad?

Where the hell is Caleb and Chase when you need them?

Melissa, wow, what can I say! She’s gone from needing protection to protecting Jasmine?

As you might have guessed this story has another chapter lol

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I don’t know if you realise, how much you all encourage me to write. Due to your comments, votes and you, all following me. It just gives me that push to make my stories better for you all, and for that, I am forever, grateful!

All my love Mel x

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