Chapter Thirty~six

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Chapter Thirty~six

Richard’s Pov

Since the night, we had returned from the evil ones land, things have changed. Although I couldn’t pin point exactly what it was, something felt different, distant even. Sitting alone in my bedroom, I tried desperately to shake this bad feeling off of me.

I hated the way every time I was near Caleb, Chase or even Jasmine I got a bad feeling deep in the pit of my stomach. It felt so bad even wrong that I’ve even started hating being around them. However, as much as I hated feeling like this, I couldn’t help it. The feeling was too strong, wrong even to just stand back and ignore.

At first, I thought it was me that had changed, I had even thought at one stage, I was just being stupid and was just being paranoid. Nevertheless, after allot of thought I confided in my dad, I was shocked to learn that he has been feeling the exact same way as me. Since he was feeling the same way he agreed to help me.

 Since our little chat, dad and I’ve been keeping a close eye on them. Although it’s clear as day that they love each other very much, it’s also very clear that something is not right. Even my dad seems to be disturbed. Which only adds to the fire to the flame that has been dragging me down day by day?

Caleb has been approaching me near enough every day, asking me to step down from my Alpha position so he could take over.  As much as I would love nothing more than to accept his request, I just couldn’t seem too. Don’t get me wrong I would love nothing more than to see my eldest son become Alpha. However, with the way I’m feeling at the moment I’m too scared too step down. Handing my title over now, just felt wrong. I needed to make sure that the pack is going to be in safe hands and right now, I’m not sure if Caleb or Chase is the right men to take over. Burying my face in my hands, I screamed out in pure frustration. I hated myself for feeling this way towards my own flesh and blood, and the more I thought badly of them the worse I felt. It was eating me away bit by bit.

 Catching the mouth-watering scent of my mate, my beautiful wife I fell down onto my knees. I tried to pull myself together before she walked into the room but I couldn’t. I’ve been keeping this from her for days now and lying to her makes me feel like I’m slowly dying inside. I loved her more than anything in this entire world and that’s why I have been keeping it from her. Because if my gut feeling is right, and she knows what’s going on. Then I would be putting her life in danger, and believe me, that was one thing I wasn’t prepared to do, no matter how much it killed me.

Not being able to look her in the eyes, I kept my eyes glued to the floor. Right at that moment, I knew that I had to get her and Roxanne, as far away from here as possible. Well at least until I find out what exactly was going on.

Feeling her kneel down beside me, I could feel the closeness of her body instantly calming me down. Just a simple touch of her hand had my body exploding with her love for me. Making me feel even guiltier, if that was even possible. Raising my head up our eyes locked instantly sending electrical bolts of pure love through my entire body. Not been able to hold myself back any longer I crashed my lips against her gorgeous luscious ones and began kissing her with all my love. That one kiss made up my mind I was getting her out of here today along with Roxanne.

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