Chapter Eighteen

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Hey all ;)

Thank you all so much for voting and commenting!  

Also I would like to say welcome and thank you to all my new fans out there :)

Ok I’m going to shut up now and let you hopefully enjoy this chapter lol

 Mel x

Chapter Eighteen 

Hearing someone screaming and shouting as I came around I began to fear the worst. Then flash backs of the last moments before blacking out flashed through my head. Opening my eyes slowly to say I was shocked by what I saw was an understatement. Richard had Chase pinned up against the wall screaming right in his face. Richard’s face was red with anger. Marissa was by his side, hysterically crying trying to calm him down. “You disgrace me not only as your father but as your Alpha too. I HAVE ONLY ONE QUESTION FOR YOU, WHY? Just answer me that. Why would you do this to me, better still to Jasmine?” I could hear the anger in his voice but the thing that stood out more to me was the amount of hurt behind his words. Richard sounded so broken hearted that I wanted to go over and hug him. Then I caught onto his words. ”Why would you do this to Jasmine”

As Chase looked over at me, my eyes instantly locked with his clouded bluish grey ones. The sadness he held within his eyes had me crying as I knew what he was doing. He was rejecting me! I couldn’t believe after all this time he was here and he knew how desperate I was. Yet he watched me go through hell. He even fucking cuddled and comforted me. Fuck I could have been fully mated with the evil one and worse still I could of been brutally raped by not only one but by all of them and he didn’t do a single fucking thing to save me. My sobs became harder as I thought what he had put me through.

I couldn’t help wondering how I couldn’t get his amazing scent, how did he block it from me, fuck why did he. Yes he had stuck up for me by fighting, hell if he had mated with me I wouldn’t of been in any danger in the first bloody place.

Even though I was suffering from his rejection, the anger that boiled in side me got the better of me. I sprung out of bed to charge at him. However, with being so enraged I hadn’t thought of how weak my body would be after last night. Which ended up with me collapsing onto the floor as my legs gave way from under me.

“Jasmine” Richard and Marissa called out as they both came running over. With my eyes still locked with Chase’s, I couldn’t help as the tears of rejection overflowed. My heart felt as if it was shattering into millions of pieces as the look he held said it all. He didn’t have to say a word as his eyes told me everything I needed to know. Nevertheless, there was one thing in his eyes I couldn’t quite put my finger on. As it looked like he was in pain but why the hell would he be in pain? I thought to myself angrily.

 Richard helped me back up onto the bed, the whole time Chase’s and my eyes stayed locked. I wanted answers I wanted to know why, what had I done to deserve this. I had so many questions but no answers. My head was spinning as the pain in my heart multiplied as Chase stormed out of the room without so much as an explanation or even a sorry.

Finding my voice, I screamed and screamed asking the one question I hadn’t been able to ask him. “WHY!” Marissa held me in her arms whilst rocking me back and forth trying to sooth me. My body shook with mixture of pain temper and my heart wrenching sobs.  I felt crushed, everything I had dreamed of even wished for was gone the minute I had opened my eyes. My worst nightmares didn’t even make me feel this much pain it was unbearable.

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