Chapter Twelve

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I have got to say how happy and giddy I am right now from the amount of readers and supporters that are enjoying this story :)

I was litterally dancing around the kitchen this morning when I saw how many readers are now reading this story!!

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As always loves you all so much xx

Mel x

Desperately Seeking My Mate

Chapter Twelve

Terrified for my life, as well as every other werewolf out there, I only had one option left, and that was to pray.  I prayed and prayed for the gods to help me. Feeling weakened; defenceless as well as defeated, I needed the guidance of the gods. To give me the strength and courage to protect and fight of the evil that was trying to take over our kind.

Richard’s voice bellowed throughout the entire house if not the whole state.  “CALEB HERE NOW THAT’S AN ORDER” My body began shaking again in fear; the amount of power held in his voice was like I had never heard before. I knew then it was his wolf in Richards rage had taken full control.

“Father Can you call all the surrounding packs Alpha’s. Whoever has a son that is next inline to be Alpha and are mateless. I need you to invite them here tonight. I don’t care how or what you have to do to get them here. Just get them here.” Hearing Richard ordering his Father I just knew from him using his Alpha’s commanding voice. That time was running out.  My blood ran cold as terrifying shivers shot through my entire body leaving me traumatized.

Moments later Marissa walked into the room. By the way she ran to my side was as if she had been kept away from me against her will. “Oh Jasmine my dear little child.” she cried as she hugged me tightly. Still on  my guard and feeling anxious, Marissa began stroking my hair back from my face.  The next thing I knew, Chase came running into the room with four high-ranking wolves’ right on his tracks. I could tell they were high ranking by the amount of power that was surrounding them. It wasn’t as strong as Richards or even Chases but it was strong. Strong enough for me to bring my guard down a little.  Relaxing my body more into Marissa’s body I felt as if I was outside as cold air blew hard against my face.

Then like a flick of a switch, my body was being roughly dragged across the room towards the bathroom. The natural wood floor was slicing into my skin as slithers of wood embedded themselves as the towel had long gone. I clawed my nails into the floor as I tried to stop him from dragging me away. Richard, Chase and the others were charging to attack him. However, every time they got close enough, somehow he just would just vanish into thin air. When he disappeared, I would try to escape but he was way too fast for me. As every time I neared the door of my only escape he was there to stop me. As soon as he vanished, again werewolves surrounded me as if they were guarding their prey. Showing their razor sharp teeth, their feral growls hung in the air as they warned him off. A mixture of sweat and tears soaked my face. I tried clearing my eyes of my tears but with my hands shaking so violently it was proving impossible. Curling my body into the fetal position, I closed my eyes tightly hoping for it all to end.

Feeling my body thrown into the air, I closed my eyes as tight as I could and waited for the pain to hit. Hearing the cracking and crunching of bones as I collided with the ceiling, serve pain shot through me. Then before I could even get myself ready for another beating, my body came crashing down onto the hard wooden floor. Screaming out in excrutenating pain, I heard his cold deep voice. Even through all the pain, I could still hear him torturing me in my head. “You have until midnight Jasmine then you will be at your ripest time so I will pleasure myself before I sow my seeds in you.  Making you mine, and only mine.” He told me while sliding his rough tongue along my neck making me want to throw up. “Hmmm you taste so good that I’m finding it harder to resist you. However, to make you fully mine I will wait.” Then he ripped what was left of my clothes off before he vanished. I wanted to punch, kick anything but I couldn’t move my body without causing the pain to increase if that was even possible.  

In what felt like every bone in my entire body was broken or even crushed.  I begged and pleaded for the blackness to come, as I couldn’t handle the pain no more, it was so intense I wanted to die. Screaming out I felt someone hoovering over me. “No please, no more please” I pleaded repeatedly as I cried out. “GET ALL OF THE PACK ON HIGH ALERT NOW” I heard Richard order. Even though he was using his Alpha’s tone, I could still hear the shear panic and frustration he was feeling.

“Father the packs doctor is here.” “Send him in.” he replied as he tried to cover up my now completely naked body. I couldn’t feel my legs or arms. Fuck, I couldn’t feel any control over my body only pain. Such intense pain that I thought, even wished to pass out but it never come. “Father Caleb is on his way but he won’t get here for at least another few hours.” Richard left out a big shaky breathe. Seeing the effect this was having on him was making me feel even more defeated. I could hear someone screaming out at the top of their lungs, little did I know it was my own screams I was hearing until Richard tried calming me down.

Feeling hot liquid run through my veins as the pack doctor injected me. I felt my frantic pumping heart drop to its more rational rhythm. I wasn’t out cold but the pain was easing more and more by the second.  A cold numbness was now taking over my body. Thankfully, it wasn’t like the numbness what I’d feel from Kali’s touch; this had more of a soothing numbness.

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