Chapter Forty

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Hey my lovely readers :)

Because you are all truly amazing, I have uploaded earlier than usual :)

I really hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as i did writing it lol

Loves you all Mel x


Chapter Forty

Away in my own thoughts, a ball of flames came flying directly at me. Too shocked to move I couldn’t even retaliate or even protect myself.  The ball of raging fire hit me right in the chest. My breasts burned as the ball of flames melted into my skin. Hearing and feeling my skin bubbling had me screaming out in agony. Reality of what was happening kicked in like a bullet to my brain. Panicking I quickly placed my hands on my chest using my elements; I felt the cooling water and wind soothing my chest. I couldn’t look down at my chest as I caught a glimpse of another ball engulfed with fire coming at me.

With my water element still at hand, I fired shot after shot at him while he continued doing the same but using the fire element. Concentrating on dodging away from the evil one element, I needed to get back to my plan. I needed to clear my mind.

 After battling with the evil one as well as myself, I finally managed to gain back control. With all the elements, spirits and goddess with in me, I felt their powers and strength engulf me.  As I looked up, the evil one stood directly in front of me. His vile face just mere inches from mine. Keeping my face expressionless and our eyes locked. I watched as the spirits entered into his body. My blood ran cold hoping my plan would work. His entire body started to shake violently, his eyes glowed such a bright red it was as if his eyes were bleeding. I knew the pureness of the spirits was killing him. It was a battle between good and evil. I could see him battling with the spirits as he tore at his own flesh. His breathing became heavy as he fought with himself. Taking this as my perfect opportunity I done what I should have done from day one. Placing my hands on his chest the goddess flowed through me to join the spirits. The minute I felt her body leave mine I engulfed the evil ones body into flames. He didn’t fight me as he was to busy fighting t=with the pureness inside him. His entire body was engulfed in flames within seconds. The smell of his rotten burning flesh made me want to hurl. He stunk like rotten eggs on a good day but god the smell of his flesh burning mixed with his rotten scent had me swallowing down my own vomit.

 Even though he was alight in flames, I didn’t remove my hands from his chest nor did I stop the fire element from burning. I couldn’t risk it! I had to finish this now or he will forever be haunting me, I thought to myself. My energy was fading; I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep the powers of the element going for much longer. However, I had to wait at least until I could feel the goddess and the spirits enter back into my body. They were strong. But the goddess had warned me before she entered his body that if they didn’t enter back into my body. That they would be lost to the evil one's side forever, whether the evil one made it out alive or not.

With them deep in thought, I kept my hands glued to his chest. My arms felt so heavy it was as if I was holding two concrete slabs in my hands. The evil one’s body collapsed to the floor in a bundle of flames, I fell with him to scare to leave my hands off his chest.  My body was so weak I began calling desperately for the spirits to come back to me. Just as the words left me I could feel them entering back into my body. They were so drained that I could feel them draining me of my last bit of energy. Nevertheless, I didn’t feel the goddess and now I was beginning to panic as I struggled to keep my hands on his now skeleton body.

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