Chapter Two

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 Chapter Two

However, I knew that it wouldn’t last for long. As Tammy and Tara came and stood either side of me. They moaned and whined as they tried to hurry me out of the classroom. “Hey, let’s just wait until everyone has gone.” I said hoping they wouldn’t question me why, hearing their gasps I knew I was done for.  “Jasmine you’re so bloody stupid!” I mentally shouted at myself.

“Anyone would think you where trying to avoid finding your mate.” Tara said, making me feel even more uncomfortable. Just as I was about to reply, Tammy cut in. “Listen Jasmine, if this has anything to do with what I said earlier then I’m sorry. Seriously what chance do you have of that happening to you? Nobody has heard of that happening in years.” She said. Hearing the guilt in her voice made me feel so guilty for overreacting. Leaving out a defeated sigh, “No Tammy, I’m sorry for overreacting. It’s just I’m so nervous it’s starting to freak me out.” I replied hoping my words would stop her from feeling so guilty. Tammy wrapped her arms around me and gave me a big hug. “Ok now that we’ve sorted that one out. Let’s go and find you a mate.” She said only loud enough for Tara and me to hear. The three of us broke out in a fit of giggles. Feeling the built up tension evaporate, we made our way to our next class.

The day flew by and although I didn’t go out of my way to find my mate. I did find out one thing and that was, Jackson wasn't my mate. At first, I was a little disappointed. However, seeing him at lunchtime with his tongue stuck down one of the cheerleader’s throats, made me realise that I was actually lucky he wasn’t. As I’ve always dreamed of having the whole fairytale. I wanted my mate to be a virgin just like me. Even though, I know it’s going to be a million too one chance of that happening, I still like to dream. 

 Male werewolves go through the change anytime from their fourteenth up until their sixteenth birthday and as soon as their transformation is complete, they become very sexually aroused. Unlike us girls, we only go through the change when we find our mate. This usually ends up with our mate being our first. Well that is unless, you’re a cheerleader or one of the popular skanks because they just love spreading themselves around.

Just as we pulled out of the school, I started thinking about how I was going to find my mate. However, Tara and Tammy’s screams cut that short. I stared over in the direction they were staring to see what the hell they were getting so excited about. When I noticed we had already reached the mall. Realising I must have spaced out longer than I thought. I quickly pulled myself together before Tammy and Tara noticed.

The three of us had made a tradition. That no matter whose birthday it was we would go to the mall for a meal. All expenses paid by the birthday girl of course. Well I guess that makes it my turn today, I thought to myself.  Just as I checked my purse making, sure I had enough cash on me for the three of us. “Jasmine, Can we shop first please?” Tammy almost pleaded. “Oh please Jasmine?” Tara joined in whining and pleading with Tammy. Both of them were now staring at me, giving me their best puppy dogfaces. Damn, they know I can’t refuse them when they give me that face, I thought to myself. “Ok but only a couple of shops and I mean it.” I told them sternly. Nevertheless, I don’t think they even heard me as they were both jumping up and down while screaming with excitement. Not being able to hold my laughter in any longer, I just burst out laughing at their childish behaviour. God I love them so much, know wonder we have been best friends since forever. I can never stay mad at them.

After they had dragged me around at least half of the mall, I finally put my foot down and refused to go to any more shops until we ate. Therefore, after a lot of whining and whining they eventually gave up fighting with me and gave in. With a big satisfied smile on my face. We headed towards the center of the mall where all the restaurants were situated. I was now doing a mental happy dance.

 Before they even had a chance to argue where we were going to eat, I quickly took a seat at, Pizza hut.  In my hurried state, I hadn’t notice the large group of boys that were sat in the booth right next to us.  Well at least that was until they started wolf whistling at us.  A few of them even started shouting out flirty comments making my face heat up. Sitting there alone I didn’t know what to do, as I knew I was blushing like mad at their comments. I knew if I ran over to Tammy and Tara, I would look like some kind of freak. However, if I stayed here I knew I would more than likely die of embarrassment. Nevertheless, before I could even get my brain to think straight. Tammy and Tara were taking a seat alongside me. Making the boys go even wilder, if that was even possible. “Oh my god, Jasmine you are just the bestest friend ever.” Tammy said whilst staring over at the boys. Giving her a questioning glare, she nodded back towards the boys. With my cheeks cooled down a bit, I took a quick peek. Only to see that every one of them were like Greek fricking gods. Seriously, I mean they were. “H-O-T” Tara and I said in unison. I didn’t even realise I was staring until I heard someone clearing their throat. “Hello, can I take your order please?” The waiter asked with a bored tone. I hate when staff act like that. The way I see it is if they hate their job so much, then why not just quit. Putting the biggest smile on my face, I placed my order.

I could hear the boys shouting out flirty comments, only making my cheeks heat up again. “Don’t know what they find so special about you geeks.” I heard the waitress mumble under her breath. As she walked away. Knowing that the boys had more than likely heard her, as they were werewolves as well, I waited to see what they would say. However, what I didn’t expect to see was one of the boys approaching her and leading her in behind the counter. A few minutes later the girl came storming out, and she was no longer in her uniform. Seeing the same boy coming out a few seconds later, I knew he had just sacked her.

 He pointed in our direction to another member of staff before sitting back down with the rest of his friends. Even though I thought, he was being a little harsh, sacking her. I have to admit that it did feel good that he was sticking up for us. Especially when he didn’t even know us.

 I wanted to thank him; however, I didn’t want to go over to their table. I wasn’t shy, but hell, I wasn’t full out there either. “Hello, I would like to apologise to you on behalf of the management. The manager also told me to tell you that your meals will be on the house. I hope you enjoy your meal.” The new waiter informed us. “Thank you. But really there’s no need for OUCH.” I yelped as I was kicked from under the table. Seeing it was Tammy sitting in the direction that the kick came from. “What was that for?” I asked her angrily. Nonetheless, she didn’t answer, all she did was laugh while giving me the evils. “What?” I asked again. Feeling even more enraged at just being kicked for no damn reason. Then I felt another kick but this time it came from the Tara’s direction. “Will you both stop kicking me!” I said feeling my temper rise even more. Hearing a low warning growl coming from the boys table had my head snapping in their direction.  Tammy then nudged me in the ribs. Just as I was about to shout at her I saw Tara’s eyes were glazed over as they were locked with one of the boys. The pair of them looked zoned out as they stared into each other’s eyes. Jealously hit me like a ton of bricks, as I realised she had found her mate.


Hope you enjoyed xx

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