Chapter 4- Diary Secrets

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I think I'm going to die. Actually. I'm sitting in Professor Vector's Arithmancy class, and she is reviewing almost everything she has taught since third year, because half the class forgot. Seriously? How did these people even get an Outstanding or Exceeds Expectation in this class if they are this dumb?

"Who can tell me what 'Arithmancy' is?" she asks, looking around the classroom.

Everybody looks lost. My hand immediately shoots up, and I look at her expectantly. She shakes her head, implying that she wants someone else to answer. I don't put my hand down. She chances a glance at Malfoy, who's the next best in this class, after me. He rolls his eyes, and looks away.

"Very well. Miss Granger?"

"Arithmancy is the study of numbers. It is like Divination, but more calculating. In the Wizarding World, it is used to predict the future logically," I state promptly. 

She nods, and opens her mouth, but then-

"Actually, Granger, that's wrong," Malfoy drawls. 

The whole class looks back. I turn and glare at him. 

"Sorry? What exactly did I say that's wrong? That is exactly what the textbook says!" 

"You said that Arithmancy is the study of numbers. That's wrong. The word Arithmancy comes from two Latin words, 'Arithmos,' which means numbers, and 'Mantenia,' which means divination. So it's wrong to say that Arithmancy is the study of numbers. It would be more accurate to say that it is the study of divination through numbers," he finishes with a smug grin.

That prat. I should have known better to think he was a decent person last Monday.

"I'm sorry Malfoy. If you have a problem with what I said, you can take it up with the author of the textbook. I was just simply stating facts that I read!"

"Actually, the textbook you have is outdated. The one I have is the most recent," he says, holding up a shiny book.

"That wasn't on the list Malfoy. You shouldn't buy books for class that aren't on the list given by the teachers!" I look to Professor Vector for clarification, but instead of supporting me, like she usually does, she walks over to Malfoy's seat and picks up the book. 

She flips through it, and announces, "This is an excellent book for us to use in class. I would like all of you to order a copy from Flourish & Botts. Well done Mr. Malfoy! Would you like to come sit in the front of the class?"

"Professor, can I sit in the seat Granger is sitting at? I think I would focus well there," Malfoy smirks.

No way. I've been sitting in this exact seat since third year. It's the best seat in the class, because it has a small window just to my left side. Who does he think he is, asking for my seat? I open my mouth to spit out a stinging comment, but Professor Vector is faster.

"Of course Mr. Malfoy. You can take your items and shift there right away. Miss Granger, if you would be so kind as to move to your right, so Malfoy can sit in your seat," she says. 

How can I say no, with all these people watching? I shift to the spot where Hannah Abbott used to sit. How unfortunate that she chose to quit Arithmancy and take Divination instead. Malfoy takes his stuff and drops it on the desk. With a dreadful feeling, I realize what is going to happen if I don't act fast.

"Professor, can I move to the spot where Malfoy was sitting?" I ask, crossing my fingers under the table. 

"No. I know you and Draco are not the best of friends, but you could learn a little from him Miss Granger," she reprimands.

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