Chapter 16- Bloody Liar

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I try and catch Granger's eye from my seat in the Great Hall, but she ignores me. I let out a frustrated groan, and push my food away. 

"Draco. Eat," Blaise orders.

I glare at him.

"Don't boss me around," I snap at him. 

"You haven't been eating properly for weeks-"

"Shut up, Blaise."

"Well, maybe your sickly appearance is the reason Granger's avoiding you," Blaise growls, sliding away from me to sit near Bulstrode. 

I halfheartedly shovel some food into my mouth, grumbling as I do so. 

I keep an eye on Granger, and my glance turns into a full on glare as Weasley brushes what looks like-snow?- off her shoulder. 

I automatically look around for Brown, and spot her a few tables away, with red eyes, and a murderous glare that's directed towards the area where Granger, Weasley, and Potter are sitting. The trio, however, is acting oblivious to Brown's seething, and seem to be laughing, carefree, at something Weasley said. 

"Brown and Weasel split up," Blaise says in a low voice. "I heard those Patil twins talking about it in the library."

"When?" I ask, trying to calm down. 

"Last night. Apparently Brown saw Hermione and Weasley coming out of the common room together."

I curl my hand into a fist. So Granger was with Weasley last night, before I met her in the library?

"Are you going to talk to her?" Blaise asks.

"Why would I talk to her?" I mutter angrily. 

"But I thought you two were-"

"Nothing. We are nothing. Or whatever we had before is now nothing," I say disdainfully, getting to my feet. 

"Draco, don't do this," Blaise says. "Just tell her how you feel."

"Do I have to repeat myself? I don't want anything to do with that filthy little mudblood."

"We don't really know the whole truth about what happened."

"Let's think, shall we? Brown saw Weasley and Granger coming out of their yesterday late at night. Something definitely happened between them. Then, I met Granger in the library, and like an idiot, flirted with her when she just was getting it on with Weasel. To top my embarrassment over that, I took her to the Slytherin common room, and then flew her back to her dorm, where we made out for a few hours," I say in one breath. 

Blaise looks at me, brows furrowed. I shake my head at his calculating face.

"There's a reason our parents told us to stay away from her kind. Haven't I been humiliated enough?" I hiss, striding out of the room.

I go straight to the seventh floor to work on the cabinet, seething. The work I do is pointless, and after two hours, I've gotten nowhere. I take deep breaths, and close my eyes. But then, all I see swimming in my mind is Granger's face. I slam my fist into the wall in frustration. 

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