Chapter 11- Letters with Gifts

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It's the last day of Christmas Break, and I groan in frustration. Mother wanted me to come back to the Manor, but I told her that if I wanted the job done, I would have to stay. She was upset, but didn't argue. I re-read the letter that she's sent, and roll my eyes. It's just the usual babying that she does, but it still pisses me off. 

But as I go through my mail, I pick up a letter with dainty handwriting, and read it again for the umpteenth time since Christmas. 

Hi Draco!
Merry Christmas. I do hope that you're having a good time at Hogwarts. It's a little boring here at home, but it's nice to spend time with Mum and Dad. You better write to me back, or when I return to Hogwarts, I'll hex you into oblivion.

I was writing to ask if you could do me a small favor. Crookshanks somehow missed coming home with me, and he's wandering all about the castle. If you could take care of him until I get back, that would great.

I would ask someone else to look after him, but the only other person I know that's staying is Lavender. You know that I would rather die. Also, tell Blaise I wish him a very Merry Christmas. 

~Love From Hermione
P.S- You better be working on your homework, because I'll be checking when I come back.

I had laughed, and sent a short letter back.

Granger, (I mean Professor)
I'll trust that you had a nice Christmas too. It's quiet here, and Blaise is elated that someone other than his mother wished him a Merry Christmas. Loser. One question; Who the hell is Crookshanks?


And so the letter war began. The break consisted of many letters between the both of us, and I hated to admit that I would get up eagerly each morning, rush up to the Owlery, and wait, excited to find a letter for Granger. 

Draco, Crookshanks is my cat. He's half-kneazle, grumpy, and never smiles, so you two will probably get along very well.

~Love From Hermione

Crookshanks? You  named your cat Crookshanks? I took him from the Gryffindor common room, and now he chills with Blaise and I in our dorm. We had him sneak into McGonagall's office and set off a dung bomb. I have to say, the cat has grown on me.


Shut up, he was already named that when I bought him.Today is the last day of break. I'll probably be arriving at around 11:00 am, so why don't we meet at the Owlery? I'll pick up Crookshanks there.

~Love From Hermione

I hastily write a short letter to Mum, pick up Crookshanks, and make my way to the Owlery. When I arrive, Granger's not here yet, so I set Crookshanks on my shoulder, and walk over to my owl. 

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