Chapter 19- I Wish I Could Forget

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All through the day, I see Granger trying to catch my eye. I walk in to Arithmancy, and inhale sharply when I see her eyes. When I went to sleep last night, I expected her to be angry the next day; but all I see in her chocolatey orbs is a gentle understanding. 

I slump into the chair next to her, avoiding her gaze. 

"Draco," she whispers softly. 

I ignore her, pretending to pay attention to whatever the hell Vector is teaching. 

"Draco," she murmurs again. 

I whip my head around, trying to muster up a cold glare. It must not have worked, because when she sees my expression, she smiles triumphantly. I frown, and turn away. 

"Draco," she says loudly. 

Heads turn towards us. 

"Is there a problem, you two?" Vector snaps, looking at us. 

"No Professor, not at all," Granger says quickly. 

I snort, and grudgingly start to take some notes. Vector drones on, and I lean back in my chair. A soft hand covers mine. I look down at the desk, and I see Granger's fingers resting on top of mine. I quickly pull my hand away from her. Merlin, this girl.

"What do you want?" I hiss. 

"I know your secret," she whispers. 

I tense, but stay quiet. How could she possibly know when I haven't told her yet?

"You're missing your dad," she says quietly. "You feel guilty about being with me because you know he wouldn't approve."

"Granger, no, that's not what-"

"Shut up Draco," she mutters. "We can work it out!"

I let out a bitter laugh. If only it was that easy. 

"Together," she says softly, entwining her hand with mine, and squeezing slightly. 

I want to look at her, and tell her that she's right. That this can be fixed. I want to squeeze her hand back. I want to kiss her until we can't breathe. 

"No," I say coldly. "How many times do I have to tell you?"

She looks at me, the hurt in her eyes making me squirm with guilt. 

"I don't want to be together Granger. Just leave me alone," I hiss. 

"Draco, I don't understand..."

"I don't expect you to," I spit. 

She scans my face, looking for any signs that I'm just playing a horrible joke on her. When she realizes I'm not, her features harden. 

"Fine," she growls. "I don't ever want to talk to you again."

My heart twists, but I keep my icy exterior. 

"Sounds fine by me," I say coldly. 

She glares at me, and then raises her hand. 

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