Chapter 18- Utter Betrayal

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"Are you coming to the game Draco?" Pansy asks, holding her hand out to me. 

"No, I have some work to do," I say, shaking my head. "You go on with Blaise."

She frowns, and walks out of the common room, and I let out a sigh of relief as she does. Stretching back on the couch, I close my eyes, my mind a whirl of tension. 

"Draco," Theo's curt voice makes me open my eyes again. 

"You aren't going to the game?"

"It's Gryffindor and Ravenclaw," Theo says in disgust. "Why would I want to go?"

I don't reply, but heave an exhausted sigh. He's quiet for a while. 

"I understand why," he says suddenly. 

"What do you mean?"

"I understand why you didn't tell me," he explains, watching me carefully. "About Granger."

"Granger and I agreed that we wouldn't tell anyone," I say, trying to defend myself. "Blaise just sort of found out."

"And neither of you told me," he accuses. 

"Theo, are you looking for an apology?" I ask in irritation. "How did you even find out?"

"I saw you two making out a few days ago," he says airily. "But that's not why I'm here."

I look at him expectantly. 

"Draco, I thought you were smart," he says, his tone stern. "A relationship with a mudblood?"

"Don't call her that," I snap. "You didn't seem to have a problem with her before."

"I was a bit surprised you were talking to her at first," he says thoughtfully. "I was fine with you two being friends, but it's where you start getting attached where the trouble happens."

I frown. "I don't get it."

"Think back to the beginning of the year," Theo urges. "When you were Granger were just friends."

"Okay," I say. 

"If anything had happened to her, would you have cared at all?" he asks. 

I bite my lip, thinking. "Honestly, no. I would have been shocked, but I would have gotten over it."

"And think about now," he says. "If anything happened to her now, you wouldn't be able to bear it."

I realize that he's right. 

"And the point of that is?"

"The point is, that you're not focused," Theo says, rolling his eyes. "When was the last time you actually made progress on the cabinet?"

I don't answer, because I know he's correct. 

"Draco, there will come a day where you succeed," he points out. "That day, your aunt and the rest of them will enter the castle."

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