Chapter 5- Firewhiskey with Detention

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After finishing detention with Vector, I trudge to the common room, pissed off that I had to waste an evening writing lines. I slump onto the nearest chair, sliding my robe off as I go. My hand aches, and all I want is to go to sleep. The low hum of voices above slowly blurs, and I feel myself losing consciousness. Something wet is dripping in my ear. What the fuck?

"Draco. Wake up."

"No. Go away," I say, flipping my head to the opposite side.


"What the hell!" 

A cold, hard, jet of water shoots into my face, ebbing away my fatigue, but leaving my anger dangerously high. I can't see well, because my eyes are burning from the water.

"Granger? Is that you?" I ask without thinking.

"No, dumbass. It's Blaise," the voice says.

 I let out a groan, and wipe the water out of my eyes, getting to my feet.

"I am going to fucking kill you," I say, water dripping from my head. 

Blaise is already running out of the common room, grinning back at me. As he runs, he slips on my robes, and lets out a high pitched shriek.

"Idiot!" I laugh, sprinting after him. 

He's back on his feet and races past the Great Hall, with me right behind him. We continue the chase for a while, and I finally pounce on him, outside the library entrance. We wrestle heatedly, laughing.

"I'm going to tell Madam Pince that you guys aren't following the rules," a voice says above us. 

A very short third year stands above us, looking so frail, that if I touched him he would fall over. Blaise and I both grin at each other, and disentangle ourselves.

"If you tell Madam Pince that we were wrestling, it's a shame for us," Blaise says, brushing the dust off his robes. 

I realize that my robes are still in the common room, and I'm wearing a frayed, gray t-shirt. Shit. For some odd reason, I feel exposed.

"Yeah midget. You can tell her we beat you up, that's more like it," I add.

I know I really shouldn't, because McGonagall told me told me that if I so much as lay a finger on an other kid, it's detention for me. Blaise, however, doesn't seem to be thinking along the same lines. He does a leg-lock charm on the third year, and to my horror, the frail idiot starts to cry. I look around to see if anyone is watching.

"Hermione! Hermione! HELP!" the kid screams, writhing on the floor. 

Fuck. Granger's here?

Sure enough, she walks out from the library, shooting us furious looks, and realeasing the third year.

"Steven, are you ok?" she asks kindly, helping him to his feet.

"No. They were being mean!"

I cringe under her surprised look at my causal attire. Her eyes go to the rip in my grey shirt, and I immediately cross my arms to cover it. 

She shoots me a nasty look, and takes Steven's hand. As they walk past us, Granger slams into my shoulder as hard as she can. 

I spot Snape walking a few feet away. It barely hurts, but I make a scene and let out a little shriek, fake clutching my shoulder in pain. She rolls her eyes, but I know I've won this round, because Snape definitely saw that.

"Ms. Granger. That will be ten points from Gryffindor, and detention tomorrow night in the Hospital Wing," he says coolly. 

She opens her mouth in indignation, and to my horror, I hear McGonagall shoes tapping on the floor behind me. Shit.

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